As a man that doesn't get hangovers, I was shocked when I started getting them a while back. However, I would only get them after drinking a few of my latest HB. 2 or 3 pints (and nothing else) would be enough to give me a thumping headache the following morning. This is not normal. Not for me, anyway.
I then got chatting to a fella that owns a bar and he said that if he has 3 or 4 pints of Carlsberg, he feels rat-arsed. However, if he drinks, Bud, Coors, Fosters, Hieniken etc. he feels fine. This got me thinking. Why would a beer at 3.8% get someone drunk after 4 pints but a beer of the same ABV, or slightly stronger, not get him drunk after 4 pints?
It's a head scratcher but I put it down to brain chemistry. All of the above mentioned beers are fairly similar apart from one thing - hops. Perhaps whatever hop they use in Carlsberg just doesn't agree with this fella? Perhaps the hops I used in my HB (Azacca and El Dorado) just didn't agree with me? We've all heard stories / know someone that just shouldn't drink vodka / whiskey / gin etc. because it 'doesn't agree with them'. They either throw up, feel rough the next day, get drunk quicker, get confrontational etc.
Makes you wonder what is so different about that particular drink. Perhaps it's the person drinking it that is different?