A few more for me recently, firstly Boy which is one of Taika Waititi's earlier movies. If you've seen his other movies then you sort of know what to expect which sounds like an insult, but personally I love his style. Reminds me a little of Wes Anderson, not in the film making, but in the quirky, nostalgic, sweet-but-melancholic tone. I liked it more than Jojo Rabbit but not as much as Hunt for the Wilderpeople. Definitely worth a look.
Next was What's Your Number which is one of the most clichéd, by the numbers, uninspired, forgettable films I've ever seen. It's like the "writers" had a checklist of how to write a rom-com and were just ticking off the story beats and plot elements. Girl with something missing in her life? Check. Annoying best friend character to spout exposition? Check. Critical mother character to point out girl's flaws? Check. Girl meets hot guy but they don't get along at first? Check. Contrived reason for them to spend time together where they realise they're perfect for each other? Check. Even more contrived reason for them to briefly fall out? Check. Dramatic realisation followed by romantic declaration? Check. Lazy, do-the-bare-minimum cinematography and directing? Check.
Next was Doctor Strange and I'm not sure why it's taken me this long to watch this, I suppose I wasn't really interested in the character, but I was pleasantly surprised. It could have used a bit more time to introduce the character and to develop the villain, but it was fine. This movie is all about the visuals which are (for the most part) stunning. Overall it was pretty entertaining, but I watched it straight after What's Your Number, which would make anything seem relatively great.