Where do you get your ingredients from?

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Feb 3, 2012
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Where do you get your ingredients from generally?
Also how much do you pay including delivery?


The delivery charges tend to put the prices up though, you seem to be paying almost the same for delivery as you do for the product!
I buy all my stuff from Rob, The Malt Miller :thumb:

We don't have a HBS in our area anyway :roll:

But if you organise your order, ie a 25kg sack of grain, plus hops and small amounts of other grains, keeping it under 30kg, you end up with enough for half a dozen brews and the £7.50 carriage is spread across the brews :thumb:
Yeh just had a look at that.
Work out at about £40 for 5 brews.
That is pretty good actually.
I was initially just looking at buying small amounts for single brews!

I buy mine from Leyland Homebrew. They do mail order but it's only 7 miles away so I go to the shop. They have a good range of everything you are likely to need and I think it's important to support such businesses. I used to know of 2 more homebrew shops in Southport and Chorley but they're history now.
if u need alot of hops, worcestorhop shop is the business- their 2012 hops are also v fresh 2011 hops are plenty fine aswell and have some of the interesting new english hops
biggest con dont have crisps malt though and dont mill it quite as nicely- far easier to get ur effciency needed with the crisps (can be done with the bairds- even the malt dust tastes sweeter with the crisps

Also used other shops the sponsor the home brew co v reasonable prices on everything when u order over £70 for the delivery
I'm another one for the worcester hop shop. I can get my big 25kg sacks of Maris Otter through a friend that saves money and delivery costs (it's worth asking around local breweries if they can sell you one or add one to their next order when you're needing it). But for all my roasted and flavour malts, hops and dry yeast I use the above. it costs me around 50-70 twice a year including postage but i get loads for my money.
For me it's a combination of using the malt miller/worcester hop shop for the big orders, and I pick up smaller amounts of the adjunct grains from my LHBS (Edina - now Brewstore)

that gives me the economy on the bulk of the grain (the pale malt), and the flexibility to get the smaller weights of the grains locally as and when I need them :drink:
I use The Home Brew Shop. They are the only ones who do not add an extra £25 onto delivery charges because of where I live. I wait till I need a full order and I get it delivered free:smile:
After sales service great too.
The Malt Miller. On my (work) doorstep. Rob always has time for a lunchtime chinwag, is a keen brewer himself and really knows his stuff.
+1 for Worcester Hop Shop and Malt Miller for ingredients. For equipment, you can't go far wrong with Hop & Grape. They've even started their own range of 'shiney' brew kettles and suchlike. I'm saving like a b*****d to get my hands on some of their insulated brew pots.
Some great home brew shops in UK however some more pricey than others including some blatant rip off prices on delivery.
I mainly get my hops and yeast from Uk then posted to a uk addy and forwarded on here via royal mail too so a 500g in weight order generally costs me in excess of 12-13 quid in postal costs. or if family and friends are coming i get them to bring those out too.
However i have recently sourced additives and chemicals here for instance -
Sodium Metabisulphate - Campden Powder - £1.82 per Kg !
Magnesium Sulphate -epsom salts - £1.82 per Kg !
Malic Acid - £12.77 per Kg

Also now looking into sourcing Pectolase out here too as not found that yet but got a local on the case, but use loads due to mainly brewing fruit wines etc from fresh in season fruits.
Most of my malt, except for some specialty stuff from Tuckers Maltings in Newton Abbot. All the rest from The Malt Miller. Top stuff :thumb:
I use thehomebrewcompany.co.uk for most of my grains and hops, then i get most of my kits and sundries from my local shop brew2bottle

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