Where can i buy the equipment i need

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Active Member
Aug 18, 2010
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Sunny Burnley, Lancs.
Hi all, im brand new to this brewing thing but really fancy a go at it, although im not sure where to buy all the equipment i need, are any of you guys from the Burnley area ? if so are there any home brew shops around here ? i tried finding what i need on google but cant find anything in the area.

Thanks in advance
We're short of homebrew shops up here as well :!: There's little or none in the Kendal / Lancaster area :(

I actually drove down to Leyland to pick up everything I needed, but was worth the 2 hour round trip, the shop is well stocked :thumb:

i bought this kit (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Complete-Home...ategoryZ38172QQvarZ660003403029QQcmdZViewItem) to start off with as bottles are already included, i soon learned i needed a bit more equipment but its available here and the postage is capped at £5.95 no matter how much you buy.

also very handy:
1 extra 25 ltr fermenting bucket (with tap) - thats for filling with tap water to top up the fermenter
campden tablets - I add a half campden tablet to the tap water (to take off any off tastes from chemicals in the tap water)
an auto syphon - when bottling i syphon the beer out of the original bucket and into a fresh sterilised one, so that I'm not filling the bottles from the same bucket which has all the yeast at the bottom.otherwise u can buy a syphon tube but then you need to get a mouthful of flat warm beer! the auto syphon starts itself after a few shakes.

Ive since bought myself loads of gear, a proper hydrometer with trial jars, extra bottles as I wanted to start another kit straight away and extra fermenting vessels. also bought a few 5litre PET jugs for the turbo cider aswell, a bottle steriliser.

ive only started brewing the kits on 10/07/10 and ive learned loads from the folks on here, bottled my 3rd coopers kit last night, have previously done the draught and mexican cerveza, tasted both them after being bottled for around 1 and a half week and they were very nice, id recommend them to get started with
hope that helps!
have a gd one!

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