Whats your favourite food to accompany a pint?

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Jun 2, 2012
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Radstock Nr Bath
A French chef I know introduced me to eating chorizo while drinking beer and that's pretty much my favourite snack to accompany a beer be it lager or bitter.

Cider is different I like a strong cheddar, crackers and butter with them.

So what's yours?
I've never tried it but I can imagine Chorizo with beer is the dugs baws. you cannae beat pizza with beer, also McCoys Flame Grilled steak crisps!
I like drinking bourbons (makers mark,woodforde reserve,tesco bourbon ****, not jack daniels though) in a half with apple juice and sitting suppin with a few beers,I was up watching the finale to one of the golf tourneys in America I'm sure and I got hungry and raided the fridge and came out with a block of smoked applewood cheese, feckin tanned the lot along with a half bottle of bourbon, the flavours worked so well together. im goni buy some chorizo and smoked applewood for the weekend!
Chilli peanuts! Preferably the habenero ones from Asda, but the Sainsburys ones are pretty good too.

Also quite like the meat and chees platters you get in brewdog. So much so that we make them at home now occasionally too.

doner kebab chilli sauce everything... sorry thats after beer.

with beer, I don't normally eat whilst drinking I hate back wash :sick:
Good mature Cheddar & onion on granary bread, smoked cheese on dark Ryvita, brie or camembert on water biscuits or cheesy thins, then stilton on Hovis crackers with a glass of port.

You miserable load of bar stewards, you've got me drooling, I'm on a diet and can't have any of that at the moment, nor the booze :(

Seriously though, I've almost completely cut out the booze (only had 2 glasses of wine all last week), cut out the bread, cheese and crackers, I'm only having 2 mugs of coffee a day and am drinking ‘no added sugar’ cordials instead - and I've lost 12lbs in just over a fortnight.
I want to take up making cheese and perhaps charcutere but no good when you realise you have reached that age where you can't burn it off that easily. :( :(
I personally like drinking on an empty stomach. As soon as I eat, My session is over. When the missus thinks I've had enough she shoves food at me.
fish chips mushy peas with tomato ketchup, one pint of home brew watching DVD of England winning the Rugby World Cup over Australia in 2003. Pure Heaven.

quote Moley'''

and I've lost 12lbs in just over a fortnight.

take my wife shopping you can loose 20 pounds in half hour.....
Blue cheese or chocolate with whisky, cold meat, hard cheese and/or pork pie with real ale. Pork scratchings with refreshing IPA. Cheese (most) with wine.
I like cool original Doritos with a nice cooled beer or any crisps really the only problem is the bags are massive but they only fill them a third of the way
We like to go to the Hawkshead brewery at Staveley. They do a range of "beer tapas" for around 3 quid each. Things like black pudding, pork pie (real quality stuff) or fired whitebate. As an accompanyment to their Cumbrian 5 hop or Windermere pale ale there's nothing better.
Kebab, curry, chinese, any sort of filth like that goes down a treat.

Probably my favourite at a restaurant is a blue cheese burger :cheers:
I love any kind of curry with beer...we had a takeaway on saturday night and I had fish sashlick, saag paneer and a chilli nan...I've have never had the fish shashlick before but it was seriously beautiful! I had a pint of stout with it and the combined flavours were out of this world! Amazing!

I also really love Jacket potato, mature cheddar and coleslaw...its a lovely pub lunch with a pint or two, you can't beat it :thumb:
Cwahhh! Nothing better than a pint of Cider and a gorgeous Chedder cheese ploughmans!