What Yeast for ESB?

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Sep 20, 2012
Reaction score
St. Andrews, Fife
So currently brewing an English Special Bitter and was looking for advice on which yeast would be best, or how they might alter the final taste. I currently have S-04, S-33, T-58 and Danstar, was leaning towards the 58 hoping for a bit of a spicy finish? Any ideas?

Some background on the brew and what I want to achieve:

Style: ESB
IBU: 41
OG: 1.040
FG: 1.011

Colour SRM: 7

2.5kg Light DME
125g crystal malt

Bittering Hops: Apollo (20%)
Flavouring: Progress (4.45%) & East Kent Golding (4.49%)
Aroma:Progress (4.45%) & East Kent Golding (4.49%)

Planning 4 hop additions
Why not culture up some ESB yeast from a Bottle?

Edit - But I do like T58. Its become my fave yeast recently. Very well behaved little beasts apart from the fart smells they sometimes make.
jonewer said:
Why not culture up some ESB yeast from a Bottle?

Edit - But I do like T58. Its become my fave yeast recently. Very well behaved little beasts apart from the fart smells they sometimes make.

Ended up going with the T58, will see what happens. I just wanted to branch out, I've had so much success with S-04 that I've used it for almost all my ales, but thought I should give something else a go. I rehydrated and chucked it in when the wort was about 16C, immersion bringing it slowly up to fermentation temp now 18-20
I really like white labs 002, gives a nice flavour and drops out dead fast. If you go to whitelabs website for home brewers they give good details about all of their yeasts.