What the hell! Not leffe!?!

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For those interested here's the recipe. Any further thoughts welcome but I'm gonna use this as a starting point as it's popped up a good many times during the "what are you drinking" section.
I’ve had a plan to make that recipe for a long time but other brews got made first. Still have the maize and melanoid I bought for it as they don’t seem to be widely used. I’m not even sure I could taste the difference without them - I think if it’s dry, alcoholic and the yeast gives banana it will be quite similar.
It's because of the increases in duty which are needed to partly replace the £bns of tax lost due to Brexit, and partly because the government has identified changing the duty system to favour draught over smallpack as something that they couldn't do under existing EU rules. And they're really desperate to do stuff to show that we're "free", regardless of the knock-on effects.

So the tax on bottles of beer is going up, and that means ABV reductions to keep beer at the same price points. You're also going to see a lot of weaker beers being reduced to 3.4% to go under a new tax boundary. Likewise it is going to be very hard for breweries to sell anything over 8.5% as the duty has doubled. One to pay attention to is Huyghe, who used to brew a special 7.5% version of Delirium for the UK to fit under the old strong beer limit, hopefully they will now send us the standard 8.5% version.
Never had a 7.5% Delerium, but I have seen Kasteel Rouge in Morrisons at 7%, I tried it definitly inferior to the original 8% so I've not bought the 7% since. Also I would often have a pint of leffe blonde in a 'spoons - does wonders for tired cycling legs wink... but not touching a 6.0% version. there is a reason the beers have been at their existing abv.


I can't believe belgian brewers haven't tried different tweaks to their beers and not selected the one that tastes the best....

not sure about this duval 6.66% though that sounds totally marketing dept driven.
Not sure but I imagine it sells in lower quantity than the blonde and is older stock, pre the recipe change (seemingly due to Duty increases/importation costs) for the UK market.
I had a brun on holiday last week but it was the first for me so not much of a reference point. Morrisons wanted so much for the ordinary bottled beer it seemed good value!
There's a good recipe at the candi syrup website. Also some other very interesting recipes. Don't worry about Simplicity syrup just use 75% white table sugar.


  • leffe_blonde_-_040.pdf
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Such a shame they ruined Leffe, my mate is on holiday in Bruges and I have instructed him to bring me some back.

Definitely on my list of future brews to do my own version so thank you all that have shared recipes on here 👌🏻
Apparently ABI are now brewing Leffe Blonde in the UK, not sure about the Brun. Another Brexit benefit.
sick... In my experience when anything that is usually brewed abroad and is then brewed in the UK the result has always been worse.

Unless of course 'jupiler' was brewed here, can't imagine that being worse here, Belgium's version of fosters IMO
sick... In my experience when anything that is usually brewed abroad and is then brewed in the UK the result has always been worse.

Unless of course 'jupiler' was brewed here, can't imagine that being worse here, Belgium's version of fosters IMO
I was out there with work a few times(happy days, a paid booze cruise). The locals considered Jupiler was a step up from Stella which was only for tourists.
Re. "foreign" beers brewed in the UK.
Holsten is often marketed as "German" beer - but the UK brew contains "glucose syrup" - German purity law? HaHa. Don't spend the brexit dividend (what's that?) just now. But we are free from oppressive laws....
I was out there with work a few times(happy days, a paid booze cruise). The locals considered Jupiler was a step up from Stella which was only for tourists.
Jupiler is definitely better than Stella. Not hard though. It's all generic pils.