What sort of person ....

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tbert33 said:
Have you got an update Moley? The suspense is killing me.
Well I'm still collecting bottles at an average of one per day. There wasn't one yesterday but the Council had obviously been through at some point in the preceding 24 hours as other rubbish which had accumulated over a couple of weeks has now been removed.

I pass through this lay-by (outbound) around 07:40. On Fridays we knock off early and there was nothing new when I passed again (homeward) around 3:30pm. The rest of the week I'm passing around 6pm and it's pitch dark. You can't cross into this lay-by against the direction of travel because there's usually a steady stream of traffic doing 40-50mph in both directions. One day there was no oncoming traffic, I was able to turn my headlights onto main beam and I think there was a bag.

The last receipt I found, Mrs. Mole asked where that store was, because it showed a Dudley telephone number. I googled and found it was a closed down pub which has been converted to a Co-op convenience store on a housing estate.

This isn't the detritus of a (yet) ruined life because I believe this person still holds down a regular job. I think they live in Dudley, work in or around Kidderminster, but can't get through the day without a bottle of wine and dump the empty on their way home. Can you buy alcohol at breakfast time? If I find another receipt I will check it for a time of purchase.

Anyway, I don't feel like I want to discuss this any further, this person's life might not be ruined yet but they clearly have a problem, and there but for the grace of God go I.

Edit, 8am: Nothing this morning either :wha:
Moley said:
The last receipt I found, Mrs. Mole asked where that store was, because it showed a Dudley telephone number. I googled and found it was a closed down pub which has been converted to a Co-op convenience store on a housing estate.
WoW, this is turning into a real mystery, way too big for Columbo or even Scooby Doo..... you take care Mr.Mole, this is a biggie with potential glass weaponry involved :eek:

Right lads, we need to have 18hr surveillance on the store, combined with 24hr radio contact.... We need more people on this, no disrespect to you officer Mole :hat: but we've got a big fish to fry here... :hmm:

Just think, there may be someone on another forum trying to solve the mystery about the bloke who turns up at the lay by every night to collect one bag of rubbish.
Zedilly said:
Just think, there may be someone on another forum trying to solve the mystery about the bloke who turns up at the lay by every night to collect one bag of rubbish.
LoL, never thought of that, surveillance on our surveillance... :thumb:

I'd go with the secret drinker, I've known a few lushes over the years and they all drove drunk, oddly with very little effect on their driving, apparently it's due to the ability to manage alchohol in large quantieis when you get used to it on a regular basis.

This sort of behaviour is chronic and can go on for years, so unless you start to find two bottles in the bag, then three, there isn't much reason to get overly worried about your bottle donor for a decade or so just yet, unless plod decide to visit the layby with a breathalyser some time soon.
Moley said:
Anyway, I don't feel like I want to discuss this any further
Sod that, we're back in business and the missing bottles have been accounted for.

3 Co-op Soave bottles in one bag this morning - that's the weekend sorted.

Another Co-op Soave bottle in another bag, plus a tiddler.

I think Al Murray has got this one sussed: Pint of beer for the feller, dry white wine for the lady.

Also, an empty 20 B&H pack and a Co-op good food magazine, the free ones they leave by the checkouts and which I believe only women ever pick up. My mother reads them, my wife reads them, I never take one.

And the tiddler: JP Chenet Chardonnay 18.7cl quarter bottle - that's handbag sized.
Moley said:
One carrier bag also contained an empty Benson & Hedges pack plus a Co-op till receipt for one bottle of Soave and ten B&H, paid in cash.

Moley said:
Also, an empty 20 B&H pack

This is quite worrying, they've gone from 10 to 20's with the ciggies, don't they know smoking is bad 4 ya :( :(
You think your lay-by is bad Mr.Mole....
Just been to Scunthorpe pulled up behind Mc'D's for a coffee and saw all this......
send an e mail to the appropriate council office...They are quick to clear up, especially if your a regular " e mailer " ha haaa. :D
BarnsleyBrewer said:
You think your lay-by is bad Mr.Mole
No, I think my lay-by is pretty good. There's the occasional polystyrene clamshell take-away rubbish plus pop bottles and cans, and maybe every now and then a few fly tipped old tyres, but on the whole it's pretty good and I must have collected around 40 bottles during December and January, but nothing in the last week or so with all the snow and ice.

Yours is a disgrace, I still say there's no excuse for it, unless it's useful rubbish.
Going to send a pic to their local paper, disgusting!!! :(
Bulk of the crap was fast food.....
Maybe its a secret spy signalling system of communication. Bottle of Soave means nothing to report, Bottle of Blue Nun = The Eagle Has Landed (or whatever spies say!)
BarnsleyBrewer said:
You think your lay-by is bad Mr.Mole....
Just been to Scunthorpe pulled up behind Mc'D's for a coffee and saw all this......

My wife's family are from Scunthorpe. I've not been down very often but that looks like the posh part that you were in John (the rest of it is a lot worse).
Dunfie said:
My wife's family are from Scunthorpe. I've not been down very often but that looks like the posh part that you were in John (the rest of it is a lot worse).
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Surely ye jest??

Bumping this topic, wine bottles were dumped on a daily basis for about 6 weeks and then this stopped as suddenly as it had started. Well the containers have now got bigger.


I have seen kegs fly tipped there on one previous occasion around 2 months ago, I spotted them on my way to work but they were gone by the time I went home.

This afternoon I spotted 3 kegs and was able to pull in:


I threw them in the back of my car and have brought them home.


One says "property of Carlsberg", one is stamped B05-088827 and the third carries an Island Ales sticker:


Keg Watch - I know you monitor this forum quite regularly (last visit last Thursday) so if you're reading this please get in touch to arrange collection or tell me what you want me to do with these. I have no interest in keeping them but I've secured them before someone else attempted to scrap them.

I will also send them an email with my contact details.
Kegs slightly dearer than the Coop Soave, fairly sure the Soave is their cheapest white wine :? , Long Slim being their cheapest Red (certainly in my local) unless you try counting Lambrini, but that isn't really a drink