tbert33 said:
Have you got an update Moley? The suspense is killing me.
Well I'm still collecting bottles at an average of one per day. There wasn't one yesterday but the Council had obviously been through at some point in the preceding 24 hours as other rubbish which had accumulated over a couple of weeks has now been removed.
I pass through this lay-by (outbound) around 07:40. On Fridays we knock off early and there was nothing new when I passed again (homeward) around 3:30pm. The rest of the week I'm passing around 6pm and it's pitch dark. You can't cross into this lay-by against the direction of travel because there's usually a steady stream of traffic doing 40-50mph in both directions. One day there was no oncoming traffic, I was able to turn my headlights onto main beam and I think there was a bag.
The last receipt I found, Mrs. Mole asked where that store was, because it showed a Dudley telephone number. I googled and found it was a closed down pub which has been converted to a Co-op convenience store on a housing estate.
This isn't the detritus of a (yet) ruined life because I believe this person still holds down a regular job. I think they live in Dudley, work in or around Kidderminster, but can't get through the day without a bottle of wine and dump the empty on their way home. Can you buy alcohol at breakfast time? If I find another receipt I will check it for a time of purchase.
Anyway, I don't feel like I want to discuss this any further, this person's life might not be ruined yet but they clearly have a problem, and there but for the grace of God go I.
Edit, 8am: Nothing this morning either :wha: