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Jun 17, 2011
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I cant believe it my Fermenter is empty!!!

I am dying to get going on either my Irish Stout or Coopers Dark Ale but I am away from 9th July to the 17th July and the timing is off.

Anybody have any experience of setting a brew going then leaving it unattended for a period?

I was tempted to brew on the 8th July so it will have a good 9 days in my absence, problem is I am a brew watcher and enjoy the time it starts to bubble and watching to see when bubbling slows etc.


What am I going to do??

Usually I am leaving my kits in for about 9 days or at least 3 days of low airlock activity.. but then I rack to secondary. I've had friends leave beer for 4 weeks.. SOMEHOW.. they managed to FORGET about their beer :shock: :shock: :shock: .... however bottled it was pretty decent :P .

But I may report them to Beer Protection Agency and adopt their beer for their neglectful ways. :drunk: :drunk:
I agree report them. :thumb: Beer neglect

I usually end up at around 9 days then bottle it just how it works out at the moment.

going to try and make my ruby red last longer before I try it!
i am going to bottle a geordie kit this evening, i'll start any minute now. its been in for 14 days. i could have done it yesterday. ive had to leave a batch for 16 days before.
Is it a Geordie Bitter?

If so have you made it before and was it any good?

I am really considering a bitter kit
plumpton said:
Is it a Geordie Bitter?

If so have you made it before and was it any good?

I am really considering a bitter kit

hi plumpton :thumb:

ive made lots of geordie bitter. my friends really like it. my friends have been less impressed with my john bull ipa, edme super gold and youngs definitive bitter- i have run a few 'beer festivals' to compare different kits and to find out what my friends prefer.

i should try a twocankit one day but for now i am happy with geordie.

if you want to try a bitter then geordie bitter is a good place to start, its only about 10quid a shot so its not an expensive experiment.

when i make it i get a nice clear brew, bright colour, a good head that lasts to the bottom of the glass, and it tastes pretty good :cheers:

the flavours round out nicely after about 2 weeks in the bottle. primary fermentation can be a bit sluggish and a 12-14 day prim ferm is about normal, i find. (i dont use a brew belt).

i bottled 20liters of the stuff last night and started a new geordie kit. i usually only use 20 liters of water with my kits. i have 2 liters left from a previous geordie brew, it must be about 6 weeks old now. it will get drunk this saturday and i am looking forward to it.

let me know if you make one.

9 days is fine in primary. If you're gonna leave it for longer than 5 weeks, I'd suggest racking it to secondary.
I really appreciate your feedback

I am definitely going to give it a try and wow £10 a shot is a bargain

can i ask if you brewed with brewing sugar or another medium?

Sounds like a good solid session beer which is what everyone needs as a stock brew to turn to!

plumpton said:
I really appreciate your feedback

I am definitely going to give it a try and wow £10 a shot is a bargain

can i ask if you brewed with brewing sugar or another medium?

Sounds like a good solid session beer which is what everyone needs as a stock brew to turn to!


i have made the geordie with 50:50 molases sugar:white sugar. demerera sugar. demerera sugar plus a jar of H&B malt extract. and i have made it with just white granulated sugar.

dont use the mollases -it makes it a bit too bitter. dont use the malt extract- it makes the brew cloudy-although some friends have really liked it.

demerera sugar works well. white sugar seems to work just as well.

my friend uses srpaymalt but at £5.00 a bag i dont think it is worth the small improvement.


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