Cheers,your quite right and saves any spillages from the floor.What a great idea. Simple but effective.
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Cheers,your quite right and saves any spillages from the floor.What a great idea. Simple but effective.
I'm a day late posting this, but yesterday included a lot of firsts for me.
My first AG brew, first use of all of the kit (was even a new FV). The first test of my DIY chiller... you get the picture.....
The recipe was a simple bitter from Geterbrewed and it went pretty well really! I was a few points down on the OG, but (touch wood) I could still end up with a 4% ish beer at the end of it - so I'm pretty happy at this stage :)
I took some pics that I hope won't bore everyone, but I'm still buzzing
I still get exited! Sad but true!!
I'm brewing bugger all again due to lack of storage for the finished product. Got the stuff together for my first attempt at a sour which I'm going to put on next weekend and bottle before I go on holiday in 5 weeks, should have freed up some storage space by then.
What kind of sour are you doing?
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Did as described the following day let the hop mixture in the saucepan stand for 20 minutes instead of forty, pitched into the cool wort and then emptied contents into FV aerated and pitched yeast. Was fairly confident but had minor concern about leaving the wort overnight to cool in the kettle even though it was a sterile environment, but this morning woke up to a beautiful extremely white krausen.Today I brewed a Bombay white IPA, wanted to brew the Jaipur but could not find a recipe.
Water treatment 1 Campden tablet in 24 litres of water stood overnight,7 grams of sulphate 3 grams calcium chloride 4 ml lactic acid, dough into the 24 litres, 6 kg of MO, 200gram German Vienna, 90 minute mash at 66 degrees C,mash out and a 3 litre sparge. Lost 5 litres to grain absorption added another 3 litres to kettle 75 minute boil added bittering hops after hot break and added flavouring hops at 45 mins.
Now I left the usual modus operandi as I do usually no chill I have left the wort in the kettle overnight the aroma hops which is a substantial amount should have been added at flame out, but tomorrow I will boil a pot of water and add the aroma hops after taking the water off the boil. Let stand for about 40 mins and cool down, add to the fermenter with the wort and pitch yeast. To be continued.
What is known as ,'no sparge,' to compensate one has to add a little extra grain for loss of efficiency. Not something that would be done on darker beers like stout etc. If there is an esier way to do something that is the way I want to go, the extra grain I used today for instance was 500 gram of MO and about 40 gram of Vienna, I would also add that I used the Ace which recirculates throughout the mash so, with the efficiency that I achieved I still overshot the preboil SG by a couple of points.