Bumped it up a degree and its spurred it into action. Top line is wort temp, bottom is brewfridge air. The first bit of the ramp up in temp isn't shown (but the rise and fall are a mirror image) and I'm still amazed that the entire duration is just over 24 hours. Hopefully its not a bad signIt's finished fermenting. That was quick, pitched Friday morning and its done Saturday morning. Forgot to say what 'it' is. Its a Abbot Ale clone. I thought the wort looked a bit too light but we'll see when I bottle it. Going to bump the temp up a degree to help with the D-rest then maybe bottle it later in the week or next week.
Realised I'm running out of 500ml bottles and my cornies are full so I'm going to have to put it in a mixture of 500, 330 and 660 bottles or maybe put it in a pressure barrel.

My theory is that the temperature bump accelerates whatever would be happening after the main fermentation which would take longer if you don't use temperature control.