Just pitched a reclaimed bottle of yeast into another crack at a neipa.
28L at 1.064
55% MO extra pale
16.5% Crafty Malsters pale
11% wheat malt
11% flaked oats
6.5% chit malt
In one of my 1st neipas I tried adding no hops in the boil and found it a bit lacking/bland but tried again today hoping a double whirlpool addition would help with that.
I used 20g each Sabro, idaho7 and bru-1 @ 95C for 15 mins
Then 30g each for 25mins at 75C
Will also get a double dry hop once it gets going.
28L at 1.064
55% MO extra pale
16.5% Crafty Malsters pale
11% wheat malt
11% flaked oats
6.5% chit malt
In one of my 1st neipas I tried adding no hops in the boil and found it a bit lacking/bland but tried again today hoping a double whirlpool addition would help with that.
I used 20g each Sabro, idaho7 and bru-1 @ 95C for 15 mins
Then 30g each for 25mins at 75C
Will also get a double dry hop once it gets going.