What beers are you inspired to brew?

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I get inspired to brew all sorts. I have no interest in brewing a "house beer" that I can keep replicating, there seems far too many styles to try and combine never mind the ever increasing varieties of hops, malt ratios and strains of yeasts and thats even before i've considered different sugars, syrups and flavourings.

This year I want to brew:

An American barley wine (thinking along the lines of anchor old foghorn or stone old guardian)
A peanut butter porter.
A single hop Centennial pale ale.
A Belgian abbey style blonde.
If i go down the AG route in the future (and its a big if at the moment) I would like to do a Fyne Ales 'Vital Spark' clone.

It is one of my favourite ales and the only place I can buy it sells it for £3 a bottle so a homebrewed version would be ideal.

Has anyone tried this?
I don't really do a house beer as such-I tend to go with the season.Darker,stronger ales for the autumn & winter and more pales/APA/IPAs for the spring & summer.Also depends on what hops are about-really enjoyed Galaxy last summer.

Most of the following from GW

Spring/summer regulars:- Autumn/winter regulars:-
Burton Bridge Golden Delicious Old Peculier
Timothy Taylor Landlord Gales Festival/ Sarah Hughes Mild
Exmoor Gold Exe Valley Autumn Glory
Summer Lightning Old Speckled Hen

Into that mix as well I would add APAs,Woodefordes Phoenix,London Pride & Wadworth 6x as beers that come up at any time of the year,as well as "experiments" with hops I haven't tried out yet.

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