It dawned on me today, whilst planning Friday's brewday, a Premium Bitter, that I've only ever brewed one batch of this style. I kinda feel like I should brew one, so I've got some "in stock", but at the same time, the thought of it really isn't inspiring me...
I think part of this, is somewhere in my head I feel like I'm wasting my time brewing "boring" stuff I can buy fairly decent examples of in the supermarket. One of my favourites is Betty Stogs from Skinners brewery. It's got a soft, honey/caramel malt character which for some reason I'm convinced I'm not going to be able to replicate in my brewing, even though I brew all-grain and have a lot of freedom in what I can do.
I've half a mind to only brew the things that I know I can brew how I like it and are a bit more "special". Really hoppy APA,American Amber, AIPA, Dark Mild, Oatmeal Stout, Blonde Ale etc etc. Or if I drink something I really, really like I might try and brew something like it.
Or maybe I'm just overthinking it and I need to practise brewing my Best Bitters so I get one that I'm really pleased with.
Does anyone else get this? :wha:
I think part of this, is somewhere in my head I feel like I'm wasting my time brewing "boring" stuff I can buy fairly decent examples of in the supermarket. One of my favourites is Betty Stogs from Skinners brewery. It's got a soft, honey/caramel malt character which for some reason I'm convinced I'm not going to be able to replicate in my brewing, even though I brew all-grain and have a lot of freedom in what I can do.
I've half a mind to only brew the things that I know I can brew how I like it and are a bit more "special". Really hoppy APA,American Amber, AIPA, Dark Mild, Oatmeal Stout, Blonde Ale etc etc. Or if I drink something I really, really like I might try and brew something like it.
Or maybe I'm just overthinking it and I need to practise brewing my Best Bitters so I get one that I'm really pleased with.
Does anyone else get this? :wha: