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Light reading
Last holiday read, I fear I will run out of reading material before the flight home tomorrow.

I'm fascinated by Dick Turpin, and the difference between the reality and the largely fiction legend that emerged over a hundred years later.

Following the excellent TV two seasons of Lupin with Omar Sy, I decided to have a go at the books. I'm astonished to find that the author introduces Sherlock Holmes- presumably to try to catch the cunning Arsène Lupin- although I haven't got that far yet. Looking through the list of his works, it seems Holmes figures more than once, but with a slightly altered name!
Following the excellent TV two seasons of Lupin with Omar Sy, I decided to have a go at the books. I'm astonished to find that the author introduces Sherlock Holmes- presumably to try to catch the cunning Arsène Lupin- although I haven't got that far yet. Looking through the list of his works, it seems Holmes figures more than once, but with a slightly altered name!
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Really enjoy Lupin the TV program so I may have to go and source a copy of this
The Highway code and other driving instructor handbooks...Great for helping me fall asleep...
I'm, hopefully, requalifying after an eight year break.
Not many other jobs where you are paid to sit on your butt and order other people about 🤣
I have read every Ian rankin , terry pratchet , dean koontz ,lee child and quite a few other authors. I have loads and loads of books and have been mad about reading since I was a child. I would even read the ingredients on shampoo bottles while in the toilet !!
Currently reading this

As with all Stephen king books a cracking read.
Hugh Johnson's "Wine : A Life Uncorked"

A must read for wine lovers - totally changed the way I understand and appreciate wine.
Just finished Day of the Jackal, which was a lot of fun. Currently reading a History of God by Karen Armstrong. I don't have an scrap of religious belief but it's a fascinating insight into how the 'God' of Christianity, Judaism and Islam came into being and how worship has changed over the centuries.
I just finished Jesus Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (and Why We Don't Know About Them) by Bart D Ehrman. Really interesting read.
The Midwich Cuckoos - John Wyndham, got the chills in places, as with most of his. Will never forget The Day of the Triffids!
Recently finished Walking to Hollywood by Will Self having struggled through it a little, then ploughed easily through Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov.
Now enjoying Spider from Mars by Woody Woodmansay, will be out of holiday reading at this rate.
I tend to read a lot of history books, I've just finished a book about Otto Kretschmer (u boat captain) and am half way through 'Victoria's wars' by Saul David, I quite like his style of writing.
I’ve started reading the Satanic Verses, mostly out of curiosity over the controversy surrounding it leading up to Salman Rushdie’s stabbing. I’m about a third of the way through it, enjoying it, totally mad story. I think I’ve got past the bit that upset the Iranian clerics but I’m none the wiser.
I tend to read a lot of history books, I've just finished a book about Otto Kretschmer (u boat captain) and am half way through 'Victoria's wars' by Saul David, I quite like his style of writing.
I agree with you about Saul David. His book "After Dunkirk", subtitled "Churchill's Sacrifice of the 51st Highland Division" is excellent.
I have read every Ian rankin , terry pratchet , dean koontz ,lee child and quite a few other authors. I have loads and loads of books and have been mad about reading since I was a child. I would even read the ingredients on shampoo bottles while in the toilet !!
Currently reading this
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As with all Stephen king books a cracking read. View attachment 53404
Favourite author is James Herbert followed by King and Koontz. Thought i had all Kings books but not seen this one, is it a new or old one please.
As you can see im a bit of a collector.


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