What are you missing because of the lock down?

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Our Victorian premier is not easing any lock down rules, I did suspect that would be the case, he is waiting to see how the other states fare before he makes a decision.

I think most people are thinking that Boris is going to say 'lock down is over!' on sunday. People are going to be disappointed as the indication form the Government is the easing will be "modest"
Kids and Grandchildren especially this little man.
And weekends away in the motorhome.
For me, missing the sport, gigs, theatre. Already had the Killers cancelled at the Emirates, couple of West End plays, England West Indies and all of the Palace games since lockdown.

Also have nothing to gamble on (I mainly do football betting).

Like many missing the pubs- certainly on week days I go to the pub everyday normally and am actually missing the people who work in the 2 where I'm a regular. Will be very strange if lockdown is eased and we can go back to commuting into London but there are no boosters or restaurants to ease the pain.