The very last 500ml of my Smoked Porter bottled on 29 July. Still very smokey taste and very distinctive. I will not be making another any time soon, but it was interesting experiment. Used a full 1kg of smoked malt and maybe 500g would have been enough!
Cascade/Mosaic/Simcoe IPA. Forgot i brewed it and just found 2 crates in the airing cupboard.
I had a pint of speckled hen earlier. My god that was horrible. I cant tell if i really dislike this style of beer or it was rank or both. If that was all i could brew my kit would of been out the window long ago.
that used to be one of my faves, (but only when the alternative was fosters, carling, john smiths). I wonder about the bottled version in a clear glass. it is going to get lightstruck, unless there are no hops in there in the first place... or there are some additives to stop this. Either way morlands beer's have not been in my supermarket shop for years!