Was at my daughters last night and she'd bought me few wles from Aldi... A bottle of a-hop-alypse now, an American style ipa, a red rye ipa, and a bottle of 4 hop lager. All quite nice, and most of them 99p for 330ml !
Was at my daughters last night and she'd bought me few wles from Aldi... A bottle of a-hop-alypse now, an American style ipa, a red rye ipa, and a bottle of 4 hop lager. All quite nice, and most of them 99p for 330ml !
All the Brewferm kits are good, so long as you can be patient enough to wait at least 6 months....nice one...looks good.So last night I had a second test bottle of my Brewferm Ambriorix. what a difference a month has made, very smooth and so much better than the 1 month bottle. Highly recommended. the rest are hidden away until the 3 month bottle is ready to drink then after that I will see how it goes. Definitely not a session beer at 6.5%
Nice beer this, I've brewed it also recently. I also did a Brewderm Christmas beer, surprisingly it required no sugar whatsoever, FG 1020, and bottled, going to leave this one a year, well Xmas 2017.
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Just been buying some curry stuff for tonight and when I got to the till these had jumped into my trolley.....