What are you drinking tonight?

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Tc made using morrisons value juice and wilko wine yeast. Need to rethink the backsweetening me thinks, dry with a chemical sweet aftertaste. Used splenda maybe too much.
I had no time two brew. Need to bridge the gap.

23l Australian pale ale are in conditioning since Thursday (Coopers Kit) and tomorrow I will step up a gear and start a German Smoke beer (AG).

Can't speak for the others though

You have yet to reach (or have fallen away from) what I call "Critical Mass" ... :whistle:

... which is the point where you have enough beer brewed and conditioned to allow you to take your time choosing the next brew as well as choosing what to drink tonight. :thumb: :thumb:
This is a non-critical comment and I may very well be wrong.​

When this Thread started last year most of the people seemed to be drinking home-brew ... :thumb: :thumb:

... but nowadays it seems that more of us are drinking commercial beers. :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

IF I am correct (and I have often been terribly wrong) then may I ask "Why?" :?: :?: :?:

Oh yes. Have used tonight as an opportunity to get my 18 year old son ('Carling Extra Cold is so good') to taste and enjoy a Greg Hughes English IPA (chilled a bit to make it more 'accessible') and a fragrant Citra APA. Gave me the thumbs up on both which was both gratifying in the short term for me and gives me hope for his future.
Oh yes. Have used tonight as an opportunity to get my 18 year old son ('Carling Extra Cold is so good') to taste and enjoy a Greg Hughes English IPA (chilled a bit to make it more 'accessible') and a fragrant Citra APA. Gave me the thumbs up on both which was both gratifying in the short term for me and gives me hope for his future.

I love kids ... :thumb: :thumb:

... but I couldn't eat a whole one! :lol: :lol:

Enjoy the feeling that you may (note the word "may") just be moving from "boring old fart" status to "all knowing"! :thumb: :thumb:
This is a non-critical comment and I may very well be wrong.​

When this Thread started last year most of the people seemed to be drinking home-brew ... :thumb: :thumb:

... but nowadays it seems that more of us are drinking commercial beers. :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

IF I am correct (and I have often been terribly wrong) then may I ask "Why?" :?: :?: :?:

Only to fill in the gaps in the styles i've not yet sussed but like, so I don't buy weissbier , golden ales, AIPA's , hobgoblin, stout anymore :thumb: but I do buy fruit beers, dipa's, sours and a couple of real belgian beers.

If I need more bottles then I find genuine german & belgian beers have labels that fall off easily in warm water.

Now I only buy 2-3 store beers a week max compared to 16-20 before I HB'd so there's been a massive reduction for me.

it's nice but also disappointing when looking at them on the shelf thinking, mine's better, mine's better, mine's better, mine's better, ooh big job, mine's better, mine's better, etc :lol:
My wife is out tonight and I didn't have any Homebrew in the fridge so I went out and bought some Brooklyn Lager (just 2 bottles as I'm watching the kids)
Having a few of my coopers stout with vanilla. Over carbed it a touch but ver drinkable.
Just bought 4-packs of Dead Pony Club and Brooklyn Lager for ��£3.50 each in my local Asda.
I actually did even better than that though. Checked my receipt on the way out of the shop (as it seemed rather high) and noticed they had charged full price (��£6.50 for the Dead Pony and ��£6 for the Brooklyn). So l went to the customer service desk and they refunded the difference, but also gave me a ��£2 gift card for the inconvenience.
So that made the 3 packs I had bought total ��£8.50. Bargain! :grin:
As I'm not working tomorrow, a Wilko Golden Ale with Ella hops 5.7%, a Coopers Stout with coco and Ella hops 6.2% and a John Bull IPA with Aurora hops 7.5% but being a smart arse I added treacle to the ale and it really didn't work taste wise and made it quite strong, so I have the lemonade to hand for that one.
How sad am I? :doh: :doh:

I started a brew on the worktop in the garage yesterday and was worried that it would overheat in the warm weather. As it turned out, I was worrying unnecessarily and the temperature stayed steady all day at 20 degrees.

So this evening I just sat in the garage for about an hour drinking a couple of pints of Coopers Hopped Lager ... :thumb: :thumb:

... and listening to the "glub-glub" of CO2 escaping out of the FV air-lock. :whistle: :whistle:

A Happy Day indeed! :thumb: :thumb:
Had a good tasting session today at the local craft brew pub including the following:

Evil Twin Yin and Yang
Cloudwater DIPA v6
Siren Tschuss
Galway Bay Buried at Sea
Beerbliotek Man Goes Crazy
Trouble Brewing Remix
Beavertown Quelle

Some great some not so great. The Evil Twin Yang was incredible, the Tschuss berliner wasn't that good but interesting.
Sitting in the garden watching our cats creeping around the pond after frogs...the first of the first..my Wherry is at hand..and it's mighty fine! Just too easy to drink. ..


As my milestone APA isn't ready I am drinking an Ayr Brewery Beezlebub IPA. Very nice beer from a very good brewery. I highly recommend.
Wherry I brewed last March. Chilled a little, full bodied, malty, very quaffable.
And a german malty 'lager' Diekirch. Brown and maltier than a standard german beer. Very cold - 3 deg - pulled from a keg. Also very quaffable
I'm standing my ground an not buying a "commercial" beer until my first brew is drinkable...in 5 or 6 weeks....so tonight it's a vodka lime anding soda in the garden...chin chin!!
Technically it's meant to be conditioning, but it's carbed up really well so I'm drinking my Witbier! Tastes bloody lovely in this sunshine!

It's a summer drink so I've got to make the most of this British summer haha!
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