...hot tub! Good job my Mrs ain't reading this she's been on about one for ages. ....
Owt I can get me hands on. Been a dry week cos of doing nights. But first, time to make an industrial strength/weapons grade/incendiary/volcanic hell vindaloo.
Cant beat the good old bum burner for supper , Dont forget the bog rolls in the fridge for the morning S***. :lol:
Ice cubes in a pair of rubber pants is a big relief if it gets extreme, second day curry over chips can increase discomfort. But then cold pan wipings with a slice of bread and butter is a pure luxury, :lol:Lol I'm no stranger to wearing the ol' Japanese flag. Worth it tho'!
Not entirely sure about the quality of the curry related posts above. Perhaps just too near the edge of infraction?
Anyway, I have been drinking a Black Sheep Riggwelter clone from the GW book. I had a couple of these in a pub on New Years Eve and it was my first brew of 2017.
Tastes of wheat, not bananas, but I would really recommend it.
Had a first pint of Blue Moon last night - very pleasant. Easy drinking and the orange kick makes it a quaffable summer drink.
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What yeast did you use for this Slid? I'm going to be brewing this recipe too so tips are appreciated.
if you liked blue moon it's worth trying a korenwolf if you ever come across it.
it's my favorite belgian wit.