Senior Member
My Bavarian Smoked Beer 'Holy Smoke' - well chilled and well carbonated :drink:
Believe it or not I actually had a good beer from Greene King, a Strong Suffolk Vintage ale which was very drinkable indeed. Kinda reminded me of the dark Belgian ales, very pleasantly surprised by it.
I'm on a freshly brewed patersbier that needs more time and the misses is on our ever dwindling stock of house raspberry wheat..
I've a recipe for the raspberry what in the Grief Hughes book, but I've wondered if the raspberries add any sourness to the beer, should I mash a little higher temp to compensate?
2 pints of Chez Gunge stout, a pint of Northern Lights ( a light ale I dreamed up, hopped with Northern Brewer and Aurora - geddit?), preceded by a glass of House red to go with the steak and chips with all the trimmings supper.
had almost the last of my Black IPA from my barell and also a 'Dana' single hop brew:thumb: