What are you drinking tonight 2025

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I thought there was at least a couple of litres of Hoppy Red left, but no. I must be underfilling the kegs. Yes, that's it.

Never had a full pint of sludge at the end before, this was kegged with Spectrum.

Managed a 3rd of it.

View attachment 109820
Finished now for the weekend. Weekends off may become scarce in a couple of months as it looks like we may move back on to 4 on 4 off after 18 months of industrial action! We're second in the country after the miners!
Anyway enough of the tripe...first beer is the second Simply kit with a citra dry hop. Softly carbed and tasting great to be fair!
Let's see if it lifts my gloomy demeanor...
What shift pattern did you follow. We used to do 4 on 4 off. Rotating nights and day's.
What shift pattern did you follow. We used to do 4 on 4 off. Rotating nights and day's.
This week...Wed,Thur,Fri days,weekend off,Next week Mon,Tue days,off Wed.Thur,Fri night. Off weekend. Then Mon,Tue,Wed nights then 6 off. All shifts 7 til 7.
Five nights in 7 is the killer. The hit in wages wasn't clever either. No managers or office workers suffered and they still got "bonus"even though "there was no work" but surprisingly nothing stopped running!
It's a sh1tshow.
I suppose 4 on 4 off is better plus wages go back up plus a pay rise...
So the shift pat
This week...Wed,Thur,Fri days,weekend off,Next week Mon,Tue days,off Wed.Thur,Fri night. Off weekend. Then Mon,Tue,Wed nights then 6 off. All shifts 7 til 7.
Five nights in 7 is the killer. The hit in wages wasn't clever either. No managers or office workers suffered and they still got "bonus"even though "there was no work" but surprisingly nothing stopped running!
It's a sh1tshow.
I suppose 4 on 4 off is better plus wages go back up plus a pay rise...
So we follow Saturday, Sunday Monday day shift back in Friday Saturday Sunday night. Thursday Friday days, then Monday to Thursday nights back in Tuesday Wednesday days.

No easy shift pattern to follow, I am trying to get on shift days only
They are in a couple of supermarkets. Tesco do some of their beers and they are good, but I often put an order in, I am partial to a sour and the wife enjoys them too.
Got some from Tesco’s, they are on offer plus 4 for 3 so it works out at £10 for four, didn’t think £2.50 a can is bad value.