Good evening guys and gals, just having a couple of these while I watch the black list on Netflix

They've changed the bottle label!Good evening guys and gals, just having a couple of these while I watch the black list on Netflix View attachment 99082p
I've had a pig of a day. Still fannying about sorting the lads bedroom. Switches and sockets back on then about 5 hours of laying flooring,which I can do but I'm slow as getting on the knees and back up feels like I been run over...anyway,after some spectacular detailed cuts round the door,fitted wardrobes and rad pipes it's done! Got skirting to fit tomorrow and some tidying up.
Mrs Clint witnessed my plight and has bought beers from St Austell, Vocation and Brew Dog. Tribute is first.
Evening all. Ready for this after lots of walking today and then Fish chips n mushy peas down by the harbour.
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First day back up in Orkney this month, not as active as I’d hoped but allowing myself a drink before a couple of weeks on call. Just finished making a couple of 2 portion vegetarian lasagnas, one for now and one for the freezer…. It’s a lot more yum than you might think… unlike this beerwhich I liked the sound of but on tasting realised I’d tried it before and it’s really quite odd… I am not convinced raspberry works in beers, has an odd slightly chemical bitterness to it. Having said that it did for lubrication while cooking and a bit of kitchen jiving to a brilliant jazz playlist I found.. so the music is smooth even if the beer isn’t
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