what kit did you use then if better than the real thing as U2 would sayI’ve taken some of my beer on holiday with me. This stout is just from a kit but dare I say it’s better than the bottle of G**n***s I also brought.
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what kit did you use then if better than the real thing as U2 would sayI’ve taken some of my beer on holiday with me. This stout is just from a kit but dare I say it’s better than the bottle of G**n***s I also brought.
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What's the Jazz playlist, Anna?First day back up in Orkney this month, not as active as I’d hoped but allowing myself a drink before a couple of weeks on call. Just finished making a couple of 2 portion vegetarian lasagnas, one for now and one for the freezer…. It’s a lot more yum than you might think… unlike this beerwhich I liked the sound of but on tasting realised I’d tried it before and it’s really quite odd… I am not convinced raspberry works in beers, has an odd slightly chemical bitterness to it. Having said that it did for lubrication while cooking and a bit of kitchen jiving to a brilliant jazz playlist I found.. so the music is smooth even if the beer isn’t
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Lovely Pacific IPA in the garden after a surprisingly hot day at work.
Got a few NZ hops to use up so next brew will be something similar though perhaps a Pilsener.
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It was this one. Muntons Gold “Imperial” Stout. Not really Imperial at all but pretty good.what kit did you use then if better than the real thing as U2 would say
My 4th kit batch was started just after Christmas. Two cans of rich dark gloop gave a starting gravity of 1044 (seems a touch low, maybe I didn't stir very well). No hop additions and it plateaued out a touch high at 1016 (only 6g yeast I think?) to give a notional 3.68% ABV before carbonation which is fine but Catherine the Great wouldn't have recognised it as "Imperial". Samples taken during fermentation and at bottling tasted very promising though. Followed the instructions which suggested 0.5tsp per bottle (or 83g in total) of light spray malt for carbonation.
Anyway after conditioning and cooling this has come out very nicely in terms of taste and drinkability. Smooth but with a nice roasty/coffee taste to it. Taste is improving every week I try some (so far has been in cool storage 6 weeks).
Carbonation is a touch low though. I can create a head by pouring it rapidly, and it looks the business for a while but I'd like just a bit more carbonation on the tongue. If I did it again, I'd up the carbonation sugar a bit. All in all a very good (non Imperial) kit though.
Finally a walk to the pub with the dogs, Butty Bach kicked as she was pouring it so it’s a Campden Pale. And the obligatory pork scratchings.
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Exactly my experience of this kit.It was this one. Muntons Gold “Imperial” Stout. Not really Imperial at all but pretty good.
Yes it's definitely darker looking at that photo.Ah ha!
At last a genuine Camden Pale ale photo for comparison.
I was correct to rename mine Camden Amber ale as it is Munich dark, not the Munich light I got in to make it.
My mistake for not being specific enough when ordering.
Thanks for the photo 'opportunity'.