Black Sheep Milk Stout

Hi @Cwrw666 and @pilgrimhudd .It's meant to be a dwarf variety of FG but my home grown PD is much more orangey than any FG I've bought.
Hi @Cwrw666 and @pilgrimhudd .
I bought some First Gold to brew with, liked it, then whilst doing a fair bit of searching for a dwarf hop to try growing my own garden came across it again under the name Prima Donna.
Essentially, it is same thing, with different names.
First Gold is the name of the hops you buy to brew with, and Prima Donna is the name of the plant we now buy to grow them from.
Bred as dwarf variety at Wye College in 1985 then released for sale in 1995/6, It/They were bred from a cross of Whitbread Goldings and a dwarf wild male hedgerow hop.
In 2003 First Gold as a plant became more common, as it no longer had Plant breeder’s rights and was rebranded for sale as Prima Donna. Something to do with copyright law.
Someone else may have more authoritative info, but I think that's pretty close.
I get a rich golden marmalade aroma and flavour from them, but each year can be different here in the UK depending on the weather.
Nice to see that you are fully conversant with all aspects of festive decorations.
There are more in there each day almost, can’t resist a Chrimble dec!Nice to see that you are fully conversant with all aspects of festive decorations.
Quite a selection.Working my way through this selection from the bar around the corner.
I may be some time.....
Great colour. Nice to see a red that's actually red.It only took a couple of pours, but the Nitro Red has dropped crystal clear. I’m really loving this brew.
View attachment 92379
I’ve put a lot of work into this brewGreat colour. Nice to see a red that's actually red.