What are you drinking tonight 2023.

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Just popped into our local Brew York pub on our way home from picking the son up, and grabbed a few cans out the fridge. This is yummy. More bitter than expected though.

First pour of my Cold IPA, and looks like I’ve brewed a hazy one. New style anyone😂?
The haze is coming from the 1kg of torrified rice that went into the mash, so not sure how much it’ll clear. Anyway, fermentation was good, my last tango with M54 didn’t end well. Lots of citrus and tropical fruit hop flavour, El Dorado and Chinook are doing the heavy lifting. Was hoping for more aroma. Tastes good, we’ll see how it clears up over the next couple of weeks in keg.


Edit: Mrs70 tells me it smells like Lilt so maybe the aroma is good after all. I’ve been a bit snuffly all day and looks like my sense of smell might have taken a hit.
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First pour of my Cold IPA, and looks like I’ve brewed a hazy one. New style anyone😂?
The haze is coming from the 1kg of torrified rice that went into the mash, so not sure how much it’ll clear. Anyway, fermentation was good, my last tango with M54 didn’t end well. Lots of citrus and tropical fruit hop flavour, El Dorado and Chinook are doing the heavy lifting. Was hoping for more aroma. Tastes good, we’ll see how it clears up over the next couple of weeks in keg.

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Edit: Mrs70 tells me it smells like Lilt so maybe the aroma is good after all. I’ve been a bit snuffly all day and looks like my sense of smell might have taken a hit.
I have found that when dry hopping with kolsch/common yeasts even with gelatine it's hard work getting it clear. When I use common/kolsch yeast with hotside hops no issue dropping clear. Think some hops with the low floc yeast seem to produce persistent haze.
Sparkling redcurrant melomel, made with my home grown redcurrants.
Very nice, still a little young as it was only bottled in September, but my first attempt at making it a fizzy one.
Weirdly tart and medium-sweet at the same time, kind of makes me think of a slightly more sophisticated alco-pop.


Followed closely by a basic bitter but used Kveik Hornindal as an experiment, quite pleased, nice flavour, carbonation and head retention (tiny head but stayed put) but slightly darker than expected. Much clearer than it looks here.

Finally got some beer to try, my kegs seem to have been empty for weeks. Only been in the keg since Sunday so it’s a bit young. A Cranberry Saison, didn’t finish very low for some reason but the Cranberries have added some tartness to counter act that.

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So after 8 months I finally got the finger out and crushed some grain. Just a simple Maris otter smash with citra to get a quick turnaround brew on. Possibly do a stout on Sunday if I can get out of a family visit.
Having one of the last pints of a well matured nz pale ale. It’s lovely now the bitterness has mellowed. (It was too harsh but I would never admit that🙄)
Helles "control" bottle (or leftovers).


On last tasting there was a slight balsamic note once warmed. Not acetic, but maybe the umami (DMS?)

Anyway, I've left this to warm through and no sign of that.

Hasn't achieved brilliant clarity yet, but this has been in the fridge which is warmer than my keezer. I will leave the keg unmolested for another few weeks I think.
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