Drinking the London bitter I brewed back in October ...
...so far so good

...so far so good

Are they full?I picked up a new pair of glasses today, anyone want to see a pic?
Get ‘em filled man!
Don't blame you for not drinking that, probably a typo on the can.Looks like dishwasher and tastes like it, couldn't drink it! View attachment 60453
Looks like dishwasher and tastes like it, couldn't drink it! View attachment 60453
Warming up with my secret Santa pale.. comments to follow.....
What's your perle pilsner recipe like, I have 100g of perle I don't know what to do with.Back on my Perle Pilsner.
I really need to start looking at lowering the ABV of these tbf, 5.7 isnt heavy going to drink, but id like to have a lager on keg that I can have a few of and not feel it the next day.
What's your perle pilsner recipe like, I have 100g of perle I don't know what to do with.
Cheers thank you, do you think it would work with a Vienna malt.Sort of burgled from foxbat, jist of it here, fermented with 2 x 34/70 at 11 degreesView attachment 60460