What are you drinking tonight 2020.

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Thanks @dan125 great beers and great night.😴🍻
Just trying my American amber. It's still very young but I over cooked it with hops. It's too fruity which is over powering the malt. I used two big hitter's, Amarillo and Sorachi ace.
@dave_77 I will let you be the judge
Sorachi Ace will be interesting to try in Amber, only used it Saison 🤔
transferred my triple hopped red imperial ale to the pressure barrel (first time using it) in a, for once, smooth operation. would have been rude not to have a little snifter

it ended up at 10.8%. it's pleasant just out of the FV. the alcohol doesn't drown out the other flavours (not going to attempt describe the 'notes'). do have an issue with the CO2 canister adaptor which won't screw down properly to puncture the bulb may see if i can get a metal version. have primed with sugar anyway.
This afternoon I had a bit of a rummage around my granddad's shed and found a bag full of beers I stashed in there a few years ago (back when I lived in a flat with no storage space) that I'd completely forgotten about. There were a few bottles of bière de garde which are now 4 years old and a handful of bottles of Belgian quad which are now 5 years old. I just cracked open one of the quads and it's not half bad. There's definitely a bit of oxidation, but it's the rather pleasant sherry-like flavour that adds a nice complexity. In the words of Larry David "prettay, prettay, prettay good". I'll give the bière de garde a try later.
Festival Winter Spiced Ale Kit (6.3%)

I tried some of this back in October, and while, not bad the extra month and a half of conditioning has certainly improved it (kegged 134 days ago in 5L stainless steel mini kegs). The cinnamon is still their but much less pronounced, and overall it’s just smoothed out in to a nice winter beer.
I've extended my rediscovery of 'strong' beers currently on offer from Tesco. Tonight its Old Crafty Hen , and last night it was Abbott Reserve. OCH is much to my liking, Abbott Reserve less so, a little too sweet for me. But why do these two come in clear bottles?
Anyway the league table at the moment is
- Old Crafty Hen
- King Goblin and Old Peculier equal
- Adnams Broadside
Thats about it from Tesco, but we have a Waitrose 'big shop' just before Xmas and they have Badger The Cranbourne Poacher, Fullers 1845 and Fullers ESB (which just about qualifies) so they are all on the list.
Last I would like to re-acquaint myself with Owd Rodger (Marstons), and Riggwelter but not available in this area. asad1
I'm gonna steal your idea and start rating these strong beers as well. Made a huge score from Waitrose today. Fullers Vintage Ale and Imperial Stout. I will leave the stouts and porters on a separate ranking so far, in most liked to least

Shepherd and Neame Christmas Ale - A great combo of pine, spice and malt
King Goblin - Solid
Fullers 1845 - tried the other half of the bottle and the barnyardiness was there again. hmmm that knocked it down a bit.
Old Tom - unremarkable and heavy on the alcohol

Still to try: Fullers ESB, Fullers Vintage Ale, Fullers Golden Pride, Old Peculiar, McEwans, Broadside, Innis and Gun Original and Old Crafty Hen. I couldn't find any abbot reserve even though I was right next to the brewery today... Might need to stop at the brewery shop at some point.

So tonight it's ESB on board.
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Ok Fullers ESB it smells like malt extract and tastes like it too. Very sweet malt and caramel with light roastiness. Low carbonation and low bitterness. Hardly any hop character. It’s ok I won’t be rushing back to find more.


So far
Shepherd and Neame Christmas Ale - A great combo of pine, spice and malt
King Goblin - Solid
Fullers ESB - Malt extracty and sweet
Fullers 1845 - tried the other half of the bottle and the barnyardiness was there again. hmmm that knocked it down a bit.
Old Tom - unremarkable and heavy on the alcohol
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