What are you drinking tonight 2020.

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Just finished work so definitely time for a beer.

Looking at my stocks I’ve managed to get this wrong somehow. I’m down to my last half dozen pints of stout, last half dozen pints of brown porter, last dozen pints of saison, and about 25 pints of my ****** awful hazy IPA. Everything else is still conditioning😭

I may have to buy some beers because that lot is not going to quench this thirst over a long weekend!
That looks a bit of a funny colour??
Not had sherbet for years but it must be mainly sugar I'd have thought ???
It's probably cos of the shade and my rubbish camera phone, tbh it's not overly sweet but it's heading more towards sour, little tart and bitter
I've just started a Cooper's Canadian Blonde. Not a favourite of mine by any stretch, and I won't brew it again, but it's beer and its cold.
I had to google what that is! To be honest I have no idea, I nabbed the recipe from someone here I think, not sure!
Ah fair enough, it's a slightly roasty dark Belgian ale and it says something like "old fisherman's ale" on the bottle, I wondered if yours was similar. Oh and it's also one of the best beers in the world acheers.
Ah fair enough, it's a slightly roasty dark Belgian ale and it says something like "old fisherman's ale" on the bottle, I wondered if yours was similar. Oh and it's also one of the best beers in the world acheers.

I have a roasty dark ale but it’s not Belgians, it’s mine! ;)

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