What are you drinking tonight 2020.

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Maybe it’s my Southern English sensibility’s showing but I can’t help looking at that beer and thinking it needs a top up.

It does but when you have a keg full that you can help yourself to at any time and it’s all “free”, it becomes less of an issue.

I do still like a full pint though so I get where you’re coming from,
Time to try something from someone else, in this case @Clint

Citra Saison, 6.1%

The bottle cracked with a nice “pssst”, very effervescent through the pour forming a nice airy white head. Very clear, pale golden colour. To the bottom of the pint a thin head is still present.

Aroma is typically spicy, a little pepper, a little fruit but maybe not as much as I expected for Citra?

Flavour is nice. Slightly bready malt, fruity, mild peppery spice, no alcohol taste, no diacetyl, no astringency.

Clean finish, light to medium body and very mild bitterness. Soft mouthfeel.

Very drinkable and I’ve just remembered it’s 6.1% as I finish the pint! 😂

👏 Great job!

View attachment 32446
Glad you liked it H!
post run beverage in hand man. Vienna centennial ipa, this ones turning into a piney monster.

digging into this bock bier @samale sent me.

poured medium brown with a nice reddish hue. It's quite clear and has minimal head that hangs in there around the edge.
aroma is a very rich malt, some dark candi syrup a bit of bready rubbery yeast and some roastiness and maybe pumpkin. minimal to no fruity esters this one really is all malt.
flavor is caramel, dark brown sugar and a nice malty backbone with a hint of dates. it morphs into a light roasty flavor and some feint earthy bitterness. it is definitely lighter on the palate from a body standpoint and the flavours fade quickly but there is a lingering sweetness. carbonation is medium light and matches the style well.
overall i rather enjoyed this one, it is definitely fitting for the season right now. It becomes much more rich and delicious as it warms up. I think its a solid recipe. from a preference standpoint i would like to have a bit more malt body to support the sweetness but I tend to like thicker beers.
thanks for sending this it was a perfect introduction to autumn and is motivating me to make one like this for the cooler evenings.

so I tried the rest of the bottle after warming and I am getting more cloves and phenols and definitely tasting some alcohol.

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My Ruby Mild Clone, this beer really seems to benefit from a fairly long conditioning period, so while I still find bottling a pain Imam rather glad I did for this one. Must get another batch on as it should prove an excellent winter beer.
After my supermarket lager, regaining some Craft Credibility points with a homebrew SAISON. To come later, a homebrew blackcurrant “lambic” and about award winning* hibiscus Brett beer
third and last pint of the night. really enjoying this mozart pale ale I made. surprised at how how fruity this one is tons of blackberry and blueberry and some citrus a bit dank and resinous too. I think it's a great uk hop with a fruity character.

Moved onto my Landlord Clone, this was brewed right at the top end of S-04 temperature range, and you can tell. It doesn’t taste like landlord, it is however rather nice, I’m going to put this down as a happy accident.
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So it's Saison tasting night provide by @Pennine. Same beer with two different yeast. Belle Saison & Be134.
Both beer are well carbonated and pour a lovely golden straw colour.
Aroma: belle Saison is spicy, peppery slight fruitiness from the hops, Be134 not getting much from the hops. Aroma is faint compared to the belle Saison.
Taste: both lovely Beers, very little bitterness and both dangerously easy to drink. You can feel the alcohol warm you. For me the Be134 is more rounded and softer to drink. It has a better mouth feel. It a tough one to decide which I prefer. I would happily drink both which I am currently doing. The belle Saison to me has more flavour from the yeast. Nice spicy peppery with a dry finish.
Really enjoyed trying both beer side by side. Thanks again for sharing
Second boil of today’s double brew day is underway, time for a beer. My guilty pleasure is the home brand Pilsner from Aldi, and when I’m hot after a busy day of brewing nothing beats it for chuggable refreshment. Down the hatch!
Ha ha, my guilty pleasure is this lager from ASDA. Cheap as chips but very refreshing. Online Food Shopping - ASDA Groceries
Relived tesco of a few of their 440ml cans for £2 each today, northan monk and brewdog o-g.
Enjoying the last few warm days of sunshine.
Bottle of Union Red from the limited edition Passport Series. A blend of Cab Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon and merlot. Good deep colour, fruity, acid, pleasant oak note. Definitely full bodied. Wasnt a cheap kit at £99 but yielding 30 bottles still only £3 but would say it is good value.
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