I'm back, survived okay, now have a new left hip and I'm as weak as a kitten! Dunno why, but I thought a hip replacement was supposed to be easier than a knee replacement!

I will just put it down to Old Age and take things easy for the next few weeks.
Many thanks for all the Good Wishes

... and if SWMBO keeps looking after me
I will need every one of them!
Yesterday I felt good enough for a pint so, as I took down the shed key, my good lady jumped in with "You're
NOT going out there. Tell me what you want and I'll fetch it."
So, not wanting a PB to run out of oomph or a glass of foam (and knowing that she has the patience of a striking cobra) I discounted the PB full of Bitter and the Growler containing Sweet Newkie Brown.
"I'll have an IPA." I said with confidence "It's in the left hand tall shiny keg on the table. Remember to push the tap backwards when you've finished."
My good lady disappeared for 15 minutes or so before returning empty handed with the words "All the tap would do is go round and round." my smile became somewhat fixed as I asked through gritted teeth "Which tap was this?"
"The one on the big white plastic thingy." set my pulse racing so the question "Did it leak?" slipped out before I could move.
"Leak? No! I've just told you it delivered nothing and just kept turning round."
My jaws came even tighter clenched when I said "Why weren't you getting a pint from the left hand tall shiny keg on the table?" and received the classical (known to
ALL married men) answer
"YOU never mentioned a tall shiny keg!"
I let her go back (mainly to check that nothing was leaking) and she returned with a pint of cloudy Grapefruit IPA that just didn't taste as nice as I expected.
Today's offering tasted better. Tomorrow I will go and get my own pint

and check for leaks!
Thanks again!
Signing off knackered!