A dodgy bottle of my punk ipa clone. Funny medicinal taste although I persevered. Fortunately the kegged version I just sampled seems fine. Only bottled two.
Dartmoor Brewery Jail Ale Clone
21 litres
4200g MO
400g crystal malt
250g wheat malt
50g Choc malt
60 min mash
25g Admiral 60 minutes
20g Fuggles 10 minutes
3g Iirish moss 15 minutes
Safale 04
OG 1053
FG 1010
ABV 5.6
IBU 45
SRM 13
2 months since in Corny lovely pint
My yorkshire bitters 1 an 2 follwed by my Son of Punk IPA and my Pelvis juice to finish
Sneaky couple of halves of my Northern Brown Ale.
I was up at the eaves fixing gutters and downpipes earlier and the wind is getting up (as @Hazelwood Brewery will vouch for), so elevated stress levels need bringing down a couple of notches.
Might have another couple of halves, just for good measure. This GH recipe never fails to please and serves well from a good ol' 1980's inherited Cellaman PB.
Sounds like you struck gold, like the other day when I opened my glove box to find 2 packs of paracetamol Strange times...View attachment 23892
Chocolate Stout, found a dozen bottles in a crate in the garage, going by my notes I bottled this in June 2018. Has a good chocolate flavour and very smooth.