What are you drinking 2024.

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Grass cut.
Dyson belts replaced.
Stat replaced in the oven.
Think that’s time for a bbq and a beer.
Pacific pale. A long time in the keg and very nice for it. View attachment 104088
I didn’t know Dyson’s had belts. Unless you’re not talking about my 16yr olds hairdryer that is.
It’s hard to do but sometimes the best place for a bad beer is the sink, I find it incredibly freeing to just ditch a bad batch.
I did have a gallon keg almost full of the stuff, that went down the sink a couple of days ago. The bottle conditioned version is just drinkable when very cold, but far from good.
Another one of these and it's okay, but it has a harshness that kinda puts me off.

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