In order to do treatment you'll need to know your calcium , magnesium , sulphate, chloride and your carbonate also your alkalinity too , my water report is very poor however it did have my sulphate and chloride so i got test kits for calcium , alkalinity and magnesium . The magnesium test was for marine water which is useless for us and it starts at 30ppm so i've had to guess at mine (i've opted for 5ppm as i know it's under 30 and 30 is the max wanted ) This is the main disadvantage in diluting your brew water by resulting in too low a magnesium total but is most likely the best option if like me wish to lower the sulphate to chloride ratio as more sulphate promotes better for hoppy beer while lower sulphate to chloride favours more malty brews (like i do ) Remember it may be useful out of interest to know your water ph but this means nothing , knowing your ph of the mash wort (that has had 20 mins in sacc rest then cooled to room temp) is the vital thing , you want your mash ph to be around 5.2 to 5.6 (5.8 ok too ) so if you have 6.0 upwards at mash then you'll most likely get astringent in your beer (like i did on some brews before all this crap) Crs (also lime etc) and diluting to lower mash and chalk to raise ph (i think , i need to lower so i haven't looked into raising much as for me it won't ever be needed with my water) my heads hurts again now lol.