Hi all.
I'm after making Budvar clone/type lager so an anybody point me to a reliable A/G recipe?
I think I could manage a stepped mash, I could practice with water first, but I would be dubious about decoction and I'm set up to control the temperatures of the fermentation and the lagering so I can use the proper yeast .
I have a Brewferm pilsener kit fermenting at the moment, I made it up to 12 litres with no added sugar and used the kit yeast fermenting at 20±1°C.
So its not been fermenting with lager yeast or a low temperature but can I expect a worth while improvement/benefit if I lager it at -1°C for a period?
Many thanks. Aamcle
I'm after making Budvar clone/type lager so an anybody point me to a reliable A/G recipe?
I think I could manage a stepped mash, I could practice with water first, but I would be dubious about decoction and I'm set up to control the temperatures of the fermentation and the lagering so I can use the proper yeast .
I have a Brewferm pilsener kit fermenting at the moment, I made it up to 12 litres with no added sugar and used the kit yeast fermenting at 20±1°C.
So its not been fermenting with lager yeast or a low temperature but can I expect a worth while improvement/benefit if I lager it at -1°C for a period?
Many thanks. Aamcle