Yer all mad I tell ya...
100%, Disgustipated, I thought someone would notice the reference, Been afan since I saw them play with Rage against the machine in the 90's, maybe 92. What you make of their new release?A Tool reference?
Indeed. It's just not kosher.What about the massive rise in halal. How on earth is this being tolerated...
I've actually never been a big fan tbh, my best mate loved them back in the day which is how I was exposed to them. They're a band that I appreciated more than I actually enjoyed listening to, I was more into the heavier stuff100%, Disgustipated, I thought someone would notice the reference, Been afan since I saw them play with Rage against the machine in the 90's, maybe 92. What you make of their new release?
Halal and Jewish ritual slaughter is regulated under UK law. What is your objection?
Look here
A very sharp knife in skilled hands can sever an animal's arteries and veins with no pain. Exsanguination is very quick.
Should we be discussing slaughter on a beer forum, I am not a fan of hal hal or kosher but this is not the place to talk about it, have a beer and be happy![]()
This part of the forum is for general discussion. Crack on.
Makes me chuckle when people object to halal and kosher on the basis of cruelty, as if the alternative is humane. Whataboutery and veiled xenophobia at its finest.
I have killed lambs myself using a stun gun first (we used to call them humane killers, which is a bit of a misnomer as they don't kill). I'm afraid the laws of physics, combined with animal anatomy mean that an animal *must* be more aware of death if it isn't stunned first. As to if that period of time is sufficient in the grand scheme of things to regard non stun kills as cruel, I wouldn't like to say.
But, hey, let's just shout 'bigot' at everyone rather than discuss things like adults, eh?
I don't want to eat religious food and it is not labelled in UK supermarkets. What happened to freedom of choice. Am i not allowed to boycot anything anymore. Heaven forbid i offend anyone.
The RSPCA, what a wonderful charity here's what you can earn working for this charity,, and they put down a lot of animals still want to give your hard earned
That's hardly fair. Concern for animals' well being doesn't imply xenophobia at all. And it certainly doesn't imply a moral imperative to become vegan or veggie. The balance of informed opinion is that animals do suffer more when subjected to halal or kosher ritual slaughter and it should be stopped. To be fair, it is likely that many animals suffer as much or even more under some of our dodgy slaughter-house practices. That needs to be sorted out- it doesn't excuse ritual slaughter. For the record, I'm also suspicious of genital mutilation of young children, and the mental damage caused by scaring kids with an eternity of torment if they look at a girl (or vice versa). That doesn't mean I have any problems with aspects of religious faith or practice that don't cause harm. Each to his own, apart from that, and I'll stick with Thor and Odin and horns of foaming mead and the occasional Party 7.This part of the forum is for general discussion. Crack on.oir
Makes me chuckle when people object to halal and kosher on the basis of cruelty, as if the alternative is humane. Whataboutery and veiled xenophobia at its finest.