Using Splenda??

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2011
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Hull E Yorks
Just put a couple of gallons of TC on the go which I'm gonna leave untill fermentation stops. I'm assuming it will be quite dry in the end. If this is the case I would back sweeten, so

Would you

Use splenda granulated


splenda tablets ?? :wha:

My thoughts are that tabs would be easy at bottling time, ie: just pop 1 or 2 in the bottle when you prime. Also the tabs look a lot more cost effective.

I normally use the tablets, I did use the Tesco granulated sweetener made with sucralose and it left a bit of a haze, I guess it's something to do with the filler they use to make it the same sweetness as sugar per spoonful.
I'm in the same boat Andy. My TC is just coming to an end and I actually wrote a shopping list last night with SPLENDA at the top of it. My plan was to add a little at a time to the entire batch until I get it to a nice crisp sweetness and then bottle it with a Coopers Carb Drop in each bottle to give it a fizz.

Tbh I hadn't considered the little tablets of splenda, so would be very interested in the response to this thread, although my only concern would be if the tablets break down enough in cold liquids, as I know they are fine with hot drinks (use em at work) but would the temperature affect it? And if so, would the sugar just be sat at the bottom of the bottom when you came to drink it? :hmm:

Hopefully this thread will get a good response before I go shopping tonight :grin:
Must admit, I used the tesco granulated sweetner in my raspberryade and found it left it a bit hazy too!! Hadn't even considered to use the tablets (which I have an abundance of in the house anyway as I use them in my tea lol!) Think I will try the tablets next time when my Cheeky Vimto and Tropic Thunder are done! Might try dropping a few in a little warm water to make sure they dissolve properly though. Is this what the rest of you do??? :)
I use the tiny tablets in both wine and TC, i just crush them between two spoons and lob them in the bottles via a small funnel.
I dont even know the make off hand but ones enough for a bottle 50cl, 2 for a medium wine and 3 for sweet. Never had a problem with hazes either.
Thanks for all the feedback.

I'm gonna go with the tabs then. I think I'll do a little experiment to see how soluble they are.

Cheers :cheers:
I'm in the same boat, with a first ever batch of TC and one of ginger beer. The ginger beer is certainly gingery - had a taste last night when racking. Dry though! I'm intending to use tablets and was wondering how much to use. I like my cider medium-dry. I'd rather not over-do it. I'm assuming 1 tablet won't be too much, and was intending to do a batch priming anyway so will dissolve the tablets in the priming solution. I'm thinking batch prime 5L 10 tablets (= 1/500ml bottle), and maybe add an extra tablet to a few bottles to see how sweet that gets. For the ginger beer I was considering 15 tablets with a few bottles getting an extra as I think it'll need a bit more.

For priming sugar for carbonation I was intending to use 25g for the ginger beers, but less (maybe 12g) for the cider. This should impart some carbonation I'd imagine, but not to overdo the cider.

Any further suggestions on sweetening amounts and reports on the in-bottle solubility of uncrushed tablets would be appreciated!

I always use just above half a teaspoon for my TC's and it works very well, had a sour cherry one last night and it was well carbonated and stayed that way all the way til supped!
screamlead said:
I always use just above half a teaspoon for my TC's and it works very well, had a sour cherry one last night and it was well carbonated and stayed that way all the way til supped!

Is that 1/2 teaspoon spoon sugar per 500ml bottle of TC for carbonation purposes?

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