a user upper
MO - 4kg
Smoked Malt - 500g
Amber - 300g
chocolate malt - 150g
light crystal - 110g
melanoidin - 100g
roast barley 100g
Hops..have a lot to choose from but was thinking bittering with Northern brewer to 30 ibu then saaz at 10min and 5 min additions.
any thoughts?
MO - 4kg
Smoked Malt - 500g
Amber - 300g
chocolate malt - 150g
light crystal - 110g
melanoidin - 100g
roast barley 100g
Hops..have a lot to choose from but was thinking bittering with Northern brewer to 30 ibu then saaz at 10min and 5 min additions.
any thoughts?