Update to AG#1 Broadford Pale - now with pics

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Jan 5, 2010
Reaction score
Saltaire, West Yorkshire
*Change of plans yet again, i'm ditching the Dave Line book and have decided on what I think is a nice simple Pale Ale - comments, suggestions are welcome :thumb:

Broadford Pale
4kg of Marris Otter
500g of Crystal Malt
500g of Soft brown sugar
30g Cascade @90mins
40g Cascade @15mins
30g Cascade @0mins (steeped once boil has finished)
Safale US-05

Expected OG 1049
Expected FG 1012
Expected ABV 4.9%
Expected IBU 39.9
Expected SRM 8.9

I'll be brewing this bright and early 12/12/10 and will get the pics on soon after!
I did one out of Graham Wheeler's book which I am bottling this week. I added about 5% wheat malt to make it northern and give it some head. It tastes and smells excelent.

Good luck
bishopsfinger said:
phettebs said:
Can you post the recipe? I'd like to see how close it is to the one I use. Good luck with your brewday!

Hi, i'm not sure if i can. can anyone tell me if i would be infringing copyright by posting the recipe? Cheers :thumb:

I'm sure in the 1979 book it wont have the 'electronic means' part of the clause. If you post the recipe 'slightly modified' then your not infringing the copyright of the material your using, because it no longer represents the original material.

With the Dave Lines books the recipes quoted are derived from the information that the breweries gave him and some educated guesses to the formulation, you will never get it 100% as the original item.

Some of the pointless things i learned at Uni - the lecturer also told us how to aviod a speeding fine... i dont let anyone know that one, even now i work on the otherside :D

and have a good brew day! Dont forget to post pics!
caerleon said:
bishopsfinger said:
phettebs said:
Can you post the recipe? I'd like to see how close it is to the one I use. Good luck with your brewday!

Hi, i'm not sure if i can. can anyone tell me if i would be infringing copyright by posting the recipe? Cheers :thumb:

I'm sure in the 1979 book it wont have the 'electronic means' part of the clause. If you post the recipe 'slightly modified' then your not infringing the copyright of the material your using, because it no longer represents the original material.

With the Dave Lines books the recipes quoted are derived from the information that the breweries gave him and some educated guesses to the formulation, you will never get it 100% as the original item.

Some of the pointless things i learned at Uni - the lecturer also told us how to aviod a speeding fine... i dont let anyone know that one, even now i work on the otherside :D

and have a good brew day! Dont forget to post pics!

Good point! Just heading out now but will post it to you later. Some 'pointless' things are the most interesting :D
Can anyone answer this? Does Fuller's use flaked maize at all? I've seen discussions (in the US) where people swear that you have to use flaked maize to be authentic and others say that years ago Fullers used it but not recently.

Hi Baz,

The extract recipe I have seems to be too simple for the real thing but goes as follows;
Edme DMS Malt Extract 2kg
Crushed Crystal Malt 150g
Soft Brown Sugar 1kg
Goldings Hops 95g

If you search for Fullers ESB using the search function (above) there is a post by someone else that has brewed this and their recipe includes Flaked Maize.
It's been a long time coming and my setup isn't as I wanted it to be for my first, but if I wait any longer I might explode.... so here goes for my 1st AG brew :party:
Worthington White Label clone (Dave Line)

Grain Bill
3.25Kg Maris Otter
200g Crushed Crystal Malt

Hop Bill
60g@ 90mins
East Kent Goldings
30g@ 90mins
15g@ 10mins
10g@ post boil

500g Invert cane sugar
Irish Moss
Safale S-04

Hope to get this on later today or this evening if needs be.. can't wait :thumb:
Pictures to folllow
all the brewing we have done so far are from modified recipes from that particular Dave Line book. His recipes are good but some just need a bit of a boost with more modern ingredients. cant fault the book in general good luck. His beers have always turned out marvellous :cheers:
Cheers Mark that's good to know. I'm thinking of modifying it slightly by taking a litre of the unhopped wort and reducing it to 200ml before adding it back. Along with the inverted sugar i'm hoping this will give it some caramel sweetness. I'm sure it'll be fine anyway but can't hurt to try
It shouldnt hurt to reduce a bit like you say should give a nice flavour to the beer. Can i recommend you try the Green KIng Strong pale ale its on page 55 thats the 1st AG we did and it was superb. :D
Are you doing white label or white sheild.

If White Sheild you want to hop with
challenger fuggles and northern brewer (or northdown)

pale malt & crystal for the malts

I`ve reacently brewed and drank the white shield recipe from Graham Wheelers book and it is very very good.
mark1964 said:
It shouldnt hurt to reduce a bit like you say should give a nice flavour to the beer. Can i recommend you try the Green KIng Strong pale ale its on page 55 thats the 1st AG we did and it was superb. :D
Yeah the Green King Ipa is a favourite of mine so will give that a go. Cheers
unclepumble said:
Are you doing white label or white sheild.

Hi UP. If White Sheild you want to hop with
challenger fuggles and northern brewer (or northdown)

pale malt & crystal for the malts


It's the white label but must admit i wasn't sure if they were the same beer. Not one familiar to me but brewing it for my father-in-law who has given me loads of his kit and books (all from the 70's - just like me). Given that, Is the recipe ok for the label version?