Harris is turning out to be a fizzer as well.
It was said by many he was put in place to leave the door open for Harris when he eventually and hopefully soon steps down, she couldn't make a bigger pigs ear of it than him surely.
Harris is turning out to be a fizzer as well.
It was said by many Conservatives for smearing purposes. I don't follow politics anymore and am out of the loop now which I'm happy about; however, I was aware when the info you mentioned above came about and it came directly from RW/far RW conservatives.It was said by many
It was said by many Conservatives for smearing purposes. I don't follow politics anymore and am out of the loop now which I'm happy about; however, I was aware when the info you mentioned above came about and it came directly from RW/far RW conservatives.
One hundred percent agree. If there has been an instance in our entire history where the legitimate, best person for the job of US president got it, I would be very amazed.Trump, Clinton and Biden are the best people of all Americans that could have done it its a bit of a worry.
When dealing with China, ISIS etc a harmless old fool can do worse than a devil.Better a harmless old fool than the devil.
It's quite interesting David, I'm a big mma fan so I listen to the Joe Rogan podcast a fair bit (some of his guests are quite good/some not so) but one of the things he has been consistently banging the drum on is Bidens mental health and the fact that he is in no condition to run the country, this is the biggest podcast on the planet, I do sometimes wonder about Mr Rogan and what his objectives are or where he gets his information from. I too don't really follow the news and these days you really do have to be careful about what you are reading, it's a shame you can't just trust the "news" anymore and you have to fact check everything.Even there in the UK? I see Russian propaganda has made an impact.
It is well documented and proven by the US government that Russia is the source of that propaganda campaign against Biden, questioning his health, mental fitness, etc.
Sadly, the 45th US president, easy prey for propaganda, made Russia and Putin just about as happy as can be by his response--helped forward proven Russian propaganda and throwing confusion into the US.
The same thing occurred with Hillary Clinton--proven, Russian propaganda. She was arguably one of the most qualified people ever to run for president. In any case, a single person doesn't run a country and never could.
As I said earlier, I've gone total blackout on politics and news and it's been that way for a while but I still have a hard time sitting by and watching a smear campaign by Russia be repeated as if it were the truth.
Sorry, where did that reference come from ?When you look at the politicians out Society (or, indeed, interlinked western democracies) elects, do you ever think "what is wrong with our Society" rather than merely "what is wrong with the politicians"?
I guess we have to hope the harmless buffoon keeps going, else USA gets its first ever communist president. God Bless America, and all that stuff.
GarbageWhen dealing with China, ISIS etc a harmless old fool can do worse than a devil.
Well put.They are presented to us as a fait accompli, and we must choose.
In exchange for the NHS.One thing is for sure,Trump loosing the election blew a BIG hole in the British governments post brexit plans.
Boris and Co, were banking on a good US trade deal.