Trump v Biden

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"He has raised $39 million in 10 hours on a go funding page"

he is the biggest grifter . it all goes to his legal fees. even the RNC has given over all his money to legal fees. its not for campaigning.

his followers are the biggest suckers. he steals from them like from everyone else.

this will only embolden his base it certainly wont win over any independant undescided or women voters in the suburbs which is what killed his campaign last time. he is a loser why re-run a loser. pathetic.

they will only nominate him cause his base is loyal and wont vote for anyone else and if they lose that 30 percent they will lose so big they will be history.

its a true cult
he is a loser why re-run a loser. pathetic.

I have said this elsewhere in the thread with so many suitable people in America how did Trump, Biden and Clinton turn out to be the best people for the job.

You obviously don't like Trump but I wouldn't trust him or Biden to run the country.

Running a bath would be a challenge for one of them ;)
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I was watching some Americans being interviewed this morning, a lot of those who will end up voting for Trump are not part of the 'Let's Make America Great Again' league. As many of them stated, they haven't much choice.
Guy on GB news saying a lot of fence sitters are moving to Trump because like Tories here Biden has screwed the country and Trump is the only option that'll get him out.
Think the majority of that, according to sources I've seen, suggest it's mostly from some mega-donors. Mostly billionaires who benefited most from his first term. Also if it's on GB news I trust it about as much as I'd trust Fox News as source of fact. Not saying there isn't some truth behind support for Trump, but it's hard to work out how this affects the 'middle ground' floating voters and traditional Republicans.

Fair to say I'm not his target base, mainly because of my inability to vote in the US, but always thought he was a dodgy chancer who screwed over his co-investors/creditors when businesses go bust. How the religious voters can support him baffles me.

Not a great choice between the 81 year old Biden and the 77 year old Trump, but not sure age should be the main concern when this is the choice you have.
Generally i think who the yanks vote for and have to suffer is up to them as long as their internal grief doesnt spill out.into the wider world to any great degree,.
however having seen his latest rant on ewetoob I seriously have to question his mental health, That outburst was not rational..
For me the worry is if he gets back into the whitehouse he would undoubtedly send US troops in to backup Israel in Gaza, kicking off an escalation of world shaking proportions.. And that would be a really bad time to have a raving loony in the whitehouse with ready access to nukes..
I have said this elsewhere in the thread with so many suitable people in America how did Trump, Biden and Clinton turn out to be the best people for the job.

You obviously don't like Trump but I wouldn't trust him or Biden to run the country.

Running a bath would be a challenge for one of them ;)

at least clinton's campaign song was cool :cool:

and the spoof one wasn't bad either .....

Not a great choice between the 81 year old Biden and the 77 year old Trump, but not sure age should be the main concern when this is the choice you have

Its not about age its all about being mentally fit enough to do the job.

Puts his hands on young girl and says "No serious guys until you are 30" ashock1

We'll all be fired by trump , via the big red button. heaven help us if either of them is watching bbc iplayer. - PRESS the red button for .... Gavin & stacey or nuclear armageddon. :oops:
It didn't say this was all he has in his bank.
And nor did I say that, I was just giving context for the order of magnitude, in case people thought $39m was a particularly huge amount of money.

For those who don't know, donations have to be reported to an official tally; in general Biden has been outraising Trump (something like Biden has made more money in 7 of the last 9 months) and before the trial had about twice the $$$ in the kitty.

Although everyone likes to make the presidency about individuals, politics is always a team sport. The thing about Biden is that he's been around Washington for a looong time, so he understands what makes it tick and how to get stuff done - and in the circumstances he's achieved quite a lot like a big green technology package. Remember that when he entered the White House the Republicans controlled the Senate and the Democrats only had a narrow majority in the House, so you can only get stuff done by carefully constructing coalitions. Whereas Trump is the outsider who only knows how to shout and posture at people, it may work when you're the boss of a business but not on Capitol Hill.
And nor did I say that, I was just giving context for the order of magnitude, in case people thought $39m was a particularly huge amount of money.

For those who don't know, donations have to be reported to an official tally; in general Biden has been outraising Trump (something like Biden has made more money in 7 of the last 9 months) and before the trial had about twice the $$$ in the kitty.

Although everyone likes to make the presidency about individuals, politics is always a team sport. The thing about Biden is that he's been around Washington for a looong time, so he understands what makes it tick and how to get stuff done - and in the circumstances he's achieved quite a lot like a big green technology package. Remember that when he entered the White House the Republicans controlled the Senate and the Democrats only had a narrow majority in the House, so you can only get stuff done by carefully constructing coalitions. Whereas Trump is the outsider who only knows how to shout and posture at people, it may work when you're the boss of a business but not on Capitol Hill.
May work in business? Trump has had seven businesses, including a casino, go bankrupt.

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