There are many bottled conditioned beers available in the UK, including those which, apparently, contain the primary strain. You can harvest the yeast and then culture to pitching quantities.I don't want to take the subject too off topic. But as someone new to brewing, I'm really interested in storing yeast strains from different part of the UK. I'd like a sample of the yeast Timothy Taylors/Black Sheep use for brewing a Yorkshire best bitter . Likewise, l found the Wilko (Nottingham) yeast great for a clean Midland bitter (l brewed a Bathams clone & it took me straight back to Stourbridge...not necessarily a good thing!). I'm persuaded that yeast is important for brewing different regional styles and want to store different varieties, whether expensive/inexpensive, originally liquid or dried. Any advice on how to do this is much appreciated.
A list of beers is here
and one method of culturing here*
Plus there is other stuff out there on tinterweb if you look for it
Others more knowledgeable will be able to comment on long term storage with its pros and cons . From a personal perspective there are enough yeast strains out there from the major yeast suppliers plus the option of culturing your own to make it unnecessary.
* Correct link now shown thanks to @PhilBrew
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