Trial jars - any use?

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Active Member
Oct 25, 2009
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Just getting back into brewing (early days yet and malt extract at present - AG comes later) so coming up with basic questions I'd be grateful for some sage council on!

Trawling the various on line stores, I see plastic trial jars advertised. I've never used one before - just dropped the (clean and sterilised) hydrometer into the brewing bin, and then sworn as the bubbles form around it.

Are trial jars worth it, or just "yet more stuff" as my wife puts it?

If useful, how do you get beer from bin to jar, and once used do you chuck it (seems a waste) or return it

Thanks in advance
i personly think trial jars are worth it. I use a sanatisesd turky baster to get my samples from the FV. And dont put the samples back, if you do you run the risk of infection. i usualy drink mine.

P.S Moley as one of the poshest trial jars ive ever seen. :mrgreen:
Wontigonk said:
If useful, how do you get beer from bin to jar, and once used do you chuck it (seems a waste) or return it

Most of us have ended up fitting a tap to our FVs.

And yes, as davesiv says - just drink it. This has the added benefit of giving you more information about how the fermentation is progressing - or at least that's what I tell myself.
Definately drink it. You'll get a better idea of whats occuring with your brew if you drink the samples you've taken IMO. Prolly not wise to pour it back in.
Trial Jars are definately worth the investment but I'd steer clear of the plastic ones that push into a base-the base gets weak over time. Plus plastic ones don't like very hot wort. Glass ones are the way to go.

I have a SS jacketed one with inlet at base and outlet at top so I can cool the wort down. It's very flash but holds 500ml. It's perfect for taking readings through the boil though as the wort gets poured straight back into the kettle.
MEB said:
Trial Jars are definately worth the investment but I'd steer clear of the plastic ones that push into a base-the base gets weak over time. Plus plastic ones don't like very hot wort. Glass ones are the way to go.

Agreed :thumb: They're also easier to see through so you can see where the meniscus is.
evanvine said:
Trust me to be different!
I use the tube the hydrometer came in, very little wort required.
No comment on pouring the wort back.

I did that for a while but found I kept knocking the thing over. My fav sample jar is a nice glass 100ml one. Just the right size for a good gulp to sample too. :D
evanvine said:
are you trying to tell me that you have a manual dexterity factor that's a negative number?

I knock everything over so a large base is essential-which is why i have big feet
I have one of the Young's plastic ones, it's useful because it has 100ml of graduations, and I tend to back-sweeten my wines with 30-50ml of grape juice to the bottle. It's pretty useless as a trial jar because you can't see through it.

I also have a clear glass (ungraduated) trial jar, acquired in a Freecycle haul, but I have seen them in my LHBS, can't remember the price but under a fiver.

The posh one Davesiv mentioned is a crystal glass (uncut) bud vase, which has now been returned to its former purpose.
id reccommend a glass 1 bit more expensive but last years .Nothin wrong with drinking the evidence gives you an excuse to taste your brew LOL

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