Trappist Dubbel AG

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New Member
Dec 25, 2013
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Hello to all the members.
I am going to brew my first Belgian style beer and i have chosen the Dubbel style. Here is a recipe i have planned and i would like to hear your comments and suggestions:

Dingemans Pilsen (2.7EBC) / 75.8% (5kg)
Aromatic Malt (Dingemans) (50,0 EBC) / 7.6% (0,50kg)
Biscuit (Dingemans) (55,0 EBC) / 7,6% (0,50kg)
Caravienna Malt (Dingemans) (50,0 EBC) / 7,6% (0,50kg)
Special B (Dingemans) (300,0 EBC) / 1,5% (0,10kg)

Goldings, East Kent [5,50 %] - Boil 60,0 min / 25gr
Saaz [3,75 %] - Boil 15,0 min / 20gr

Trappist Ale (White Labs #WLP500)

Est Original Gravity: 1,069 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1,017 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 6,9
Bitterness: 17,0 IBUs
Est Color: 25,9 EBC

I plan not to use any candi sugar, to give the beer more body and depth.
What do you think?
Is it going to be a nice beer?
Thanks! :hat:
Hi Theo, Just read your message. Ik see I'm a bit late in reacting. How was your brewing session? I'd like your opinion. Me and my mate are also brewing Belgian beers. We've just started early last year and are currently brewing beer on a monthly base.
I cannot quite see how you can get the ABV so high if you are making a 23L batch. Did I miss something or did you just remove the candied sugar from the recipe and forget to adjust the OG and ABV?

I have never brewed a beer like this before, but I am eager to try it. I love Belgian beers, but a lot of the dubbels and tripels hit you in the face with an overwhelming "raw" alcohol flavour, which can drown out the malt and hops.

I am basically just waiting for a one gallon fermenter to "become available" before I make a smaller batch. My plan is to scale a 5 gallon batch down, remove the candied sugar and then bring the ABV back up mostly by increasing the base malt and maybe using a tiny bit of brown sugar as well.

I would like to know how your recipe turns out. Please keep us updated.
If I were you I would drop both the Aromatic and Biscuit down to 250g each, as both can dominate in flavour. Up the SpecialB also to around 250g to get more of the dark fruit you are looking for in a Dubbel. Replace some of the Pilsner with around 500g of Brown Sugar to lower the FG, the beer looks like it could be cloying otherwise with only 17 IBU's. Maybe move the Saaz to 30min. Yeast seems ok, as long as you don't want a big ester/phenol character.

With only 100g of Special B your beer would have been too light in colour, use a little Chocolate Malt if you still need colour adjustment, without affecting flavour.