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Sorry I couldn't make it the other night guys, had to look after the little one in the end as my wife had already arranged to go out - hopefully next time. :cheers:
No problem Ash hopefully you can make it next time I will post the date shortly.
How do you guys fancy doing this on a monthly basis we could do the following dates.

Wednesday 6th October
Wednesday 3rd November
Wednesday 1st December

Wednesday seems to be the day of choice so far.
We could always change to

Wednesday 20th October
Wednesday 17th November
Wednesday 15th December

If thats not a problem for anyone

Maybe even do next Wednesday as well, any excuse for a pint TBH
Hi guys

I think we will go with the meetings towards the end of the months but myself and steve are going to the George tonight for a beer or 2 if anyone wants to join us then more the merrier.

I thought we could try and do a tasting evening for the November meeting.
Also thought for the couple of guys who aren't AG we could do a brew at mine one weekend maybe and at the end of October.

hi neil
cant make the george tonite as i have our car meet on 1st wed each month,
i have recently bought a 70+ litre stainless steel stockpot to do some biab brewing :party:
and a look at an ag brew will be really usefull, :clap:

i havnt opened the bottle you gave me yet, ive been very patient :thumb:
Well I think you should have a taste

How does Sunday 17th October sound for a brew
ok neil
i will pop ya beer in the fridge, for a chill then give it a go...... :cheers:

yep... i will be able to pop over, to see/help out with ya next AG... :party: [i'll bring the bacon and rolls]

then when im up and ready, we can have a biab brew at mine.... :cheers:
artyb said:
ok neil
i will pop ya beer in the fridge, for a chill then give it a go...... :cheers:

yep... i will be able to pop over, to see/help out with ya next AG... :party: [i'll bring the bacon and rolls]

then when im up and ready, we can have a biab brew at mine.... :cheers:

All we need to do is decide on what type of beer to brew and if I have the ingredients so if you let me know what your favourite style is we can do something along those lines.

Plus don't worry about the rolls as you know Jacks Hill Cafe is only 2 mins form the house we can get the mash on and go get a fry up whilst its mashing.

PS PM me your phone number I will give you a tinkle over the weekend or early next week
im easy on type of beer neil, any bitter type,
i have been going to the ton up motor bike days at jacks hill cafe over the last few years,and ive even got the t shirt... :party:
you can email me at
artburge 'at' aol dot com

i will post a pic up of my latest ''brewing porn'' soon..... :thumb:
Art came round today to take a look at an AG brew all went very well until I tried to pick up my boil kettle and spilt 23 litres of beer all over the garage floor meaning I had to start all over again finishing about 10 tonight anyway it will give us all something to laugh about on Wednesday from 8pm at the George again.

Also we can speak to Russell about having a tasting night in November at the pub
im really surprised to read that neil.... :shock:

it was all going so well when i left, i was impressed by your set up,and the way it all went,

my brothers chickens really enjoyed the warm grains....and he was so pleased,... he got his cock out ..... :rofl:

I have updated the OP with the date of the next meeting at The George.

The details are as follows

Date - Thursday 18th November
Place - Back Room at The George Pub Tiffield
Time - 8pm

Basically Russell has given us permission to use the back room to have a tasting evening so bring along any homebrew you feel we would like to sample, would also maybe be a good idea to bring a few spares so we can have a bit of a swap around.

One of the guys very kindly brought in some Hops from his local area in France (Strisselspalt and Saaz) so I am going to try and brew a Pale IPA to bring a few bottles for everyone to take away( unless ofc they are **** :sick: )

See everyone then

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