Torrified wheat question

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Active Member
Dec 3, 2008
Reaction score
Rushden, Northamptonshire
Hi brewers
i am planing a ringwood fortyniner tomorrow
the recipe has 100g of torrified wheat for 23lt brew length
but i havent got any

will this have a noticable flavour change or is it just to aid head retention
Torrified wheat can impart a certain light nutty flavour to a brew, although I've never managed to taste it in quantities that low, so I'd hazard a guess that it is only for head retention and can safely be omitted. Just replace with an equivalent amount of pale malt. Wheat malt would also work fairly well if you have that.
thanks JB, i dont have wheat malt either, i hadn't planned on doing this recipe but the LHBS didn't have any target hops so i got some challenger along with styrians and had to re think what i was going to brew.

i didn't notice any nutty flavour in the bottle of fortyniner i had at the weekend, so i will leave it out
Would flaked barley do if the intention is more head/body?

I am interested because that's what I would have used, I don't think Torrified wheat was available last time I did an AG brew. There certainly was wheat and wheat malt.
From Brupaks:

Flaked barley is a versatile adjunct, particularly useful in Stouts. It imparts a lovely grainy flavour and can be used in quite large quantities in black beers. Flaked barley can, however cause haze problems in paler styles, where the percentage should not exceed 5%.
Maximum Percentage 20%

Available whole and flaked, this grain is used extensively to promote head retention in Bitters. Its use is definitely recommended in all recipes where a good firm head is required. Ideal for brewing Belgian Witbier.
Maximum percentage 10% (or up to 40% for Witbier)

I have read of flaked barley being used for head retention, but if the advice above is true, I'd have thought that the darker grains used (assuming dark beers) would give decent head retention anyway. I've never used it myself but I'm sure Aleman will pop along shortly and let us all know :thumb:
I dislike the taste of Torriefied wheat so never use it. I either use wheat malt or Flaked wheat / barley depending on what is in the grain store at the time.

FWIW I find that torriefied wheat gives a breakfast cereal grainy type of flavour, even in quite low quantities.
Aleman said:
FWIW I find that torriefied wheat gives a breakfast cereal grainy type of flavour, even in quite low quantities.

I recognise that flavour too with TW as low as 2%