Top up 'me Wurzel's?

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simon john

Active Member
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
Dorset / Somerset border
OK, so it's my first attempt at WOW (and my first go at using my BIG Fermenting buckets that I picked up at the tip). I meant to stop the bugger at 1.00 but due to laziness missed it. It has gorn down to 0.992 so i racked it. My question is, oh wise gurus, should I top up the massive airspace in my 25l fermenting thingy? I didn't bother about the gap when the monster was "glooping" as I thought the C02 would eject all the nasty air. I have started putting together a pictorial record of my stumbling around in the wine making world - I would be grateful if one of you expert chappies would have a look at the picture at and let me know about the topping up (and anything else I have ballsed up). Sorry, I don't know if posting URLs is allowed - if not tell me, and I will never, ever, ever do it again! There's probb'ly a way of posting just the images but my brain is tired! Learning much from this great forum.

Ta muchly geezers

simon john said:
Sorry, I don't know if posting URLs is allowed - if not tell me, and I will never, ever, ever do it again!
Posting URLs is fine if it's relevant and isn't just unauthorised advertising.

I'm not sure about the link you posted, I really think they should all start from the beginning:


And no, it's in a sealed fermenter under airlock, there's too much space to top up, it will have generated a bit more CO2 so leave it alone for another week or so and don't keep taking the lid off.
Ta Moley. I'm glad I don't need to top it up - as you say it would need a lot of topping. I will update the 'comic' in a week or two - hopefully with smiley contented faces!
