Titanic Plum Porter

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Sep 18, 2013
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I have had a lot of this in a bottle but was lucky enough to stumble across this on cask yesterday , it was brilliant.

So, I’m armed with a garden full of plums and a bottle of essence, just need some experience with the recipe.

Has anyone brewed this? Does it actually have plums in it as it tasted just like my bottle of essence smells like with is disconcerting.
I have had a lot of this in a bottle but was lucky enough to stumble across this on cask yesterday , it was brilliant.

So, I’m armed with a garden full of plums and a bottle of essence, just need some experience with the recipe.

Has anyone brewed this? Does it actually have plums in it as it tasted just like my bottle of essence smells like with is disconcerting.
No, it doesn't have plums, if it did you would be making a sour beer.
Found this on the BeerSmith Forum. No plums, but plum essence?

I just got back from the Stone Food & Drink festival and tasted the Titanic Plum Porter. Its an excellent pint as I'm sure many of you will know. I had a chat to the brewer and he described his recipe to me. The quantities are 975Kg Maris Otter Pale Malt, 125Kg Wheat & 100 Kg roasted (black) barley. Assuming I'm making 23L I calculate I will need 4.06Kg MO pale Malt, 520g Wheat (for head retention he said) and 420g roasted black barley. The Bramling Hops seem to be the right choice but I may need to use another type hop to balance the bitterness with the malt. Questions?
1. Do these quantities seem right to achieve 1060 OG?
2. Do I need any other malts and if so why?
3. Admiral or Northern hops to supplement the Bramlings?
4. Titanic use Plum essence food additive (how much will I need to add to 23L)? When should I add this flavour?
5. Mash time/temp 60 min? 90 min? & 66 deg C?
6. Boil time 60 min or 90 min?
7. What yeast shall I use?
8. Any other advice?
Watch Harry's videos on making Plum Porter this is the tasting of the Porters with Uncle Roys Essence which does tase like the St Peters plum porter. Titanic is more fruitier but for me the best one was made with prune essence. Don't recall the brewer but it was on cask in Weatherspoon's
@Hazelwood Brewery

Any thoughts on a clone recipe?
Hi Lee, do you have a favourite porter recipe? If so then you just need to add some plum essence at kegging. I use Special Ingredients plum essence, 12-15ml in a corny. 12ml is my preference.

Uncle Roy’s is also well regarded by people.
I did a version a fair few years ago, so far back in fact it's not in my Brew father list ! Will dig out my old ledger later and see,
Better late than never! I have dug up my notes...

Based on the Ace of Spades London Porter recipe by jon Finch , bought from TMM - I added 5ML plum essence to the disolved priming sugar in a 19L batch - Had about the right amount of plum flavour.
Hi Lee, do you have a favourite porter recipe? If so then you just need to add some plum essence at kegging. I use Special Ingredients plum essence, 12-15ml in a corny. 12ml is my preference.

Uncle Roy’s is also well regarded by people.
Never brewed a porter, only stouts but is there really a difference, Thanks for the essence dose tip
4.5 please 🙏🏻
OK. This recipe is for a corny keg and you should have about 21 litres going into the fermenter. You can adjust the recipe as required for other batch sizes. The beer was awarded 2nd place in the Scottish Nationals and 3rd in the UK Nationals, I was robbed! 😉

If you treat your water you need 30 litres with sulphate, chloride, and calcium all around 100ppm, sodium about 30ppm, and alkalinity about 60ppm. Actual numbers are not important as long as the proportions are not wildly off. Remember, as a preventative measure against medicinal flavours, to add 1/2 a crushed campden tablet to your water even if you don’t treat your water.

The grist is
3,100g Maris Otter malt
1,000g Brown malt
400g Dark crystal (EBC 225)
300g Chocolate malt
200g Melanoidin malt
100g Torrified malt

Mash the grist in 21 litres of treated water for an hour at 154F (68C), then for 30 minutes at 160F (71C), and mash out at 170F (77C) for 20 minutes.

Heat the remaining 9 litres to about 160F (71C) and sparge.

Bring the wort to the boil. The boil will be for 1 hour.
Add 30g Challenger hops at the start of the boil.
Add 50g each of Fuggles and EKG 10 minutes before the end of the boil.
Dissolve 1/2 a protofloc tablet in the boiling wort at the end of the boil and chill down to pitching temp - about 66F (19C)

Take a gravity reading, hopefully about 1.055-1.060.

Transfer the cooled wort into your fermenter and pitch your yeast. I use a couple of packs of MJ M36 Liberty Bell.

Ferment for a couple of weeks at about 64F (18C). Take another gravity reading, hopefully about 1.020 and calculate your ABV. (Original gravity - finishing gravity) x 0.13125

Transfer the beer and add plum flavouring to your keg or bottling bucket (and priming sugar if you’re bottling) and package as usual. As noted previously I add 12ml of Special Ingredients plum flavouring. You can of course test this level of flavour for yourself beforehand by adding a measured amount of flavouring to a bottle of Porter and when you’re happy, scale up.

You can also just make the Porter and add a few drops of flavouring to your glass when you pour a pint. This way you have no worries about using the wrong amount and you have options to flavour or not.

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