Being a scot I tip in all situations, in some situations its necessary to be more careful of getting the lees than in others but the whole story goes like this.
The thing to know is how much wart/beer etc is in the vessel once you can't get any more out from the tap. This is normally known as dead space and needs to be accounted for when calculating things like brew length. So if you are brewing a 23L brew and you have a 50L boiler. When you are testing your boiler you need to know that there is e.g. 1.8L of liquid below the tap and you need to know how much your boiler boils off during a 90 minute boil again an example may be 5.5L boiled off during the 90 mins so you need to have 1.8L + 23L + 5.5 = 30.3L of liquid in your boiler. If you are all grain brewing either traditional or BIAB then you also need need to allow for liquid absorbtion by the grain, this will vary depending on what your recipe is and the amount of grain required in the brew but again as an example lets use 2L so in total you need to have 32.3L of liquid in your boiler at the start of the process.
Hope this makes sense. :
I even tip the last pint out of my Pressure Barrel into a bottle.
Stick a bit of wood under the back end of the barrel to tilt it when it gets near to the tap ... barrel can be left to settle then after moving it to put the wood in place.