Three weeks in FV and it's still going!!

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rpt said:
winelight said:
graysalchemy said:
If you get consistent readings for a few days then take it off the heat and place it somewhere to cool so that the yeast drops out.

How worthwhile is that... and how long for (roughly)?
Definitely worthwhile. 24 hours is better than nothing but a few days will help. Once fermentation has finished you can keep it in the cold until you get chance to bottle.

Thanks. Just checked on my Youngs mild, and although it's still warm it seems to be pretty much clear. Still at 1012 and I heard it bubbling away in the night so I'll check again tomorrow. Tastes OK, too :)
I've just finished bottling this and noticed on the last two bottles that the beer is already quite clear (I always bottle a few in clear glass to check on clarity easily). Is this going to be a problem for secondary? Or should there be enough yeast floating around in the beer for it not to be a problem?